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Everything posted by Tokimon

  1. But why do you loose you traps then? You can place several traps after each other, the previous one just get removed. Why not just notify that you cannot place more traps then? Another thing is that set traps sometimes get lost when you load a game.
  2. I have a bug that keeps me from moving further in the game. I am playing a solo game on Hard and right now I am in Raedric's Hold where I didn't go for a disguise and therefore cleared out the entire floor where the Prists are. Problem is I wanted to exit to the outside (being it on the roof or to the road), but after the load screen, the image stays black and the game stops to respond. I tried loading the auto save and go for the disguise, where after I was able to exit fine enough. I can't play further than the Hold so this bug is really game breaking. Currently I am playing on a Mac so I don't know if the problem persists on Windows. OS: OS X v. 10.9.5 - build 13F34 (MAC book pro) Game version: Steam Difficulty: Hard Playtype: Solo Character Class: Chanter Where the problem occurs: Raedric's hold trying to exit to outside (roof or road) - changing map inside the Hold works fine. What had I been doing: Came from cellar and cleared out the floor of the priests and talked to the main priest (Em-something) and agreed to kill off the Animancer in the cellar. What have been tried: - Restarting the computer (didn't work) - Reinstalling the game (didn't work) - Checking game files integrity (didn't do anything) - Loading another save game and change chosen actions (worked)
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