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About Kurotowa

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Hmm. Well, in that case, I'll kick back for a week and see if the first patch helps me. Not fun having to keep dodging spoilers, but I've reached the resignation stage. Thanks everyone.
  2. I do have a 9X_INF/B_19048 folder, but I still don't see an atioglxx file in it. The list of .dl_ files I do see is: ati2cqag.dl_ ati2edxx.dl_ ati2evxx.dl_ ati2i9ag.dl_ ati3d1ag.dl_ ati3d2ag.dl_ ati3duag.dl_ atiddc.dl_ atio9xxx.dl_ atipdlxx.dl_ atitvo32.dl_ ativ16xx.dl_ ativifxx.dl_ ativvaxx.dl_ oemdspif.dl_ Also, when I tried to experiment with the atio9xxx file, using the 'expand' command got me a 'bad command or file name' responce, while the 'extract' command told me 'ERROR: atio9xxx.dl_ is not a cabinet file'. So that's another area I'm not sure on. Thanks for all your help so far, everyone.
  3. Thank you, that does show the .dl_ extensions now. However, I still lack an atioglxx file of any sort. I'm going to try using the atio9xXx file and see if that helps. If anyone has other suggestions I'd welcome them. I can post a file list of what's in the driver folder if someone wants it. Edit: Sorry, it's atio9xxx, not atio9xx.
  4. Oh, I have hidden files shown, have for years. I mean I do not have a file by that specific name. The closest is in my extracted 4.11 folder, in the driver/9X_Inf/B_19048 folder, is things like atio9xxx and ati3duag (no file extensions, even clipped ones). I don't know if that's the DirectX9 folder or not, but the Driver folder itself has even less in it.
  5. Is this advice on dropping DLLs WinXP specific? Because I'm using WinME and I don't see any files by those names anywhere on my system. Does anyone have suggestions on how to replicate this effect on WinME?
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