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About Ineed2getlaid

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. http://www.nerf-herders-anonymous.net/JenniferHale2.jpg Jennifer Hale...... shes done voices in a bunch of other games too personally, i think Bastila is hotter <_<
  2. mandalor joins your party because he says he wants to unit mandalorians, there are mandalorians on Nar shadaa and Dantooine, ive already talked to them with mandalore in my party, and they agreed to rejoin the mandalorians on Dxun, however, does this have any actual consequence? are there mandalorians anywhere besides Nar shadaa/Dantooine/Dxun?
  3. Does the model on the opening screen go from sion --> nihilus --> to the exile only if your exile if dark? if your exile is light sided, what does the model on the menu screen change to (after it changes from nihilus)?
  4. he certainly wasn't very strong compared to handmaiden, exile (of course), mandalore, or hanharr. But, i gotta say, i did appreciate the respect he gave me 'yes general?' And What he says when you go into combat is by far the best combat quote ("Take him down" - its only good because of his voice)
  5. no its just that up till now ive got only one single lightaber (all others i got were double) and i have more than just 2 good crystals, so id like another single lightsaber so i can double wield single lightsabers (and use 4 crystals instead of 2)
  6. kthx a lot, o and one more thing, when the ebon hawk falls into the chasm on Malachor V, do all your companions die?
  7. is there any way to get more lightsabers once you've finished all the planets? Liek after you've killed/talked to all the masters, and after bao dur makes you one.
  8. i beat the game recently, the ending was terrible, in any case.... 1: Darth nihinus: was he just trying to wipe out the Jedi, is that all his significance?? He has no lines in the entire game...i mean, who the hell is he?! And for a sith lord, he was pretty damn easy to kill. 2: The exile: Occasionally, he was referred to as a sith (ie Onderon palace siege, when one of the soldiers say "they have a sith with them!"), is this only if you take the dark path? Also, what's so special about the exile, i know he can make force connections easily, but whats all this about him creating a hole in the force by killing all those people on malachor V? Also, hwo was his command of the force taken away from him? 3: Darth Sion: Kreia's apprentice, i got that, but why does he want to kill her? 4: Atton: Kreia called him a 'murderer' who did he kill? 5: mandalore: is he caderous ordo from kotorI? thats what kreia called him 6: who and what are the True Sith? 7: when was trayus academy built? after the mandolorian wars? who built it? 8: The exile said he turned ont he Jedi along with Revan to save 'countless civilians from being killed' how did turning on the council accomplish this. 9: is when the exile 'looks upon visas' with force sight, is this the closest to romance the exile gets? 10: is kreia from the same planet as visas? o and btw, have you ever seen a female wookie? sorry if thats too muh, its just the ending was so abrupt and uninformative.
  9. everytime i start the game, the usual xp error message pops up (the one that says send error report or dont send) and i am forced to quit the game, this happens everytime immediately after the game starts loading, ive installed directx 9.0, reinstalled the game, and ive updated my driver, nothing seems to stop this problem. Please help kthx
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