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Everything posted by Jiffypop

  1. I have the exact same problem. Especially with the ithorians. Sometimes I can keep up but most ot the time it goes by just too fast. I used to consider myself a fast reader till I played this game. Never had a problem with the first game. Infact I always finished reading it before it would ever go to the next screen of text. Unfortuantly this is not the case with #2. Maybe most people here who play it don't even bother to try to read it all and care not that they miss a little part of the story. As for me, I cant stand to miss even the littlest bit. As for going back and checking my log, it only shows the last sentence the creature spoke. This is not acceptable.
  2. Is it just my poor reading skills or does the text fly by too fast when talking to alien creatures? Quite often I can't keep up with the text, escpecially when speaking to lthorians. Is there no option to slow it down or is the patch going to correct this?
  3. Yes, I have tried the 4.11's and the game ran terribly. Anytime I'd do a 180 to 360 degree turn of the camera while moving, the frame rates would drop considerably aswell as in battle. It was like playing in slow motion. I can assure you, when it comes to frame rates, the 3.9s are far superior. As for light bloom, I haven't noticed any difference in quality with 3.9. Infact, as I've stated, I can now run the game with anti-aliasing and antistropic turned on and set to max. Now you tell me what's the better one to go with? Also, a guy I jsut talked to said he swithed from the supposed superior 4.11 to 3.9 and now kotor 2 runs perfectly smooth. Just have to remeber to turn off "soft shadows" You probably didn't do this so thats why it ran like crap. The game is unplayable with this enabled with the 3.9's. It' s playable with 4.11's when turned on though, but these drivers suck. Rather have it disabled on 3.9 and have the game run smooth. My system Asus A7V Mobo AMD 1.2 Gig thunderbird 768 pc133 ram radeon 9800 pro 7200 rpm 20gig western digital Sound Blaster Live Value 12x DVD Drive
  4. Uninstall your current Video drivers as well as the deletion of the atixxogll.dll(may not be spelled right) that you may have added to your Kotor directory. Install cataylist drivers 3.9. Also make sure you disable "Soft Shadows" in the game or it will be unplayable(extremely slow) Game runs smooth for me now with graphics set to highest and grass, shadows enabled. Tried all other versions above 3.9 but always received lousy performance. Also, the gamma is fixed with 3.9(after movies, doesn't reset to default brightness) Im not sure how this works with anti-aliasing or antistropic since I never turn them on. Im only running a 1.2 gig thunderbird. Edit: Ok, just turned on anti-aliasing and antistropic to max settings 6x and 16x. The game still runs flawlessly with now slow downs. Can't beleive it runs so well on my 1.2 gig system and a radeon 9800 pro. The 3.9 drivers rule.
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