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Everything posted by cordas

  1. I would like to second this post, I put the Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 into the swkotor2.ini file under the [Graphics Options] and the game now works brilliantly, no more stuttering / crashing on dantooine. [Graphics Options] Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 Anisotropy=2 Frame Buffer=1 Grass=1 Soft Shadows=1 Shadows=1 Brightness=72 EnableHardwareMouse=1 FullScreen=1 AllowSoftShadows=1 RefreshRate=85 Width=1024 Height=768 V-Sync=0 Texture Quality=2 Anti Aliasing=2 Emitters=1 Thanks to who ever figured this out, as I was about to take the game back to the shop and demand my money back this bug was annoying me so badly.
  2. I have tried this, and it has worked BRILLIANTLY!!!!! (w00t) :D (w00t) The game now runs fine at 1024x768 with everything maxed, where as on 800x600 and everything off it wouldn't run at all on my 9800pro (1gig ram and xp2000). If you are having problems then this is definatly worth trying.
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