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About GBV

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. So, when Spazmo sent you that picture did you catch teh gay? Did you really react like and 80 year old woman over it, and did phrases like "I'm mortified!" and "Dear heavens!" pop into your head? Is RpgCodex to be "abhorred" or should it just be "avoided"? Please, we need more info!
  2. I think it's safe to assume that no one who has posted in this thread is going to be a moderator. Also, it's a little early to suggest people for banning, isn't it? Does anyone really want this forum to become a boring kiddie playground like Iplay so soon into it's existence?
  3. Mayhaps because he is known from other fora? I see nothing in his writing that can be critiqued, as it is a completely subjective and biased attack on Obsidian based on his uniquely addle-brained view of their previous work. Should we not respond to him the same way?
  5. Hey Vicseris how about you break up your sentences a little more because when you combine 40 or 50 words into one sentence it makes you sound like a retard maybe this sentence I am writing here will give you an example since you seem to be unable to read over and edit your own writing and by the way the site you write for must be pretty awful because you are the worst writer I have ever read and your reviews are horrendous.
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