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ready jedi

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Everything posted by ready jedi

  1. hey I personally look forward to a live action tv show. it might be great because I remember the first time I heard about the clone wars cartoons I though they would suck but they proved me wrong they kick ass so if the live action is anything as cool sign me up (w00t)
  2. 1st time-25 even then way to easy just laughable
  3. my sense of the jedi being killed in the films is because they have become to much part of the government and are being corrupted and becoming elitist they hed to be taken down a peg and the force made that happen then luke comes and builds them up better than before. In kotor the jedi are also destroyed cause of there inability to act because they wanna stay clean and not get involved all we ever see is history repeating itself ie. jedi get destroyed, jedi rebuild, jedi masters get to high and mighty, jedi get destroyed rinse and repeat
  4. yeah I've got a desktop with athlon xp 2100 and nvdia graphics and I completed the game totally fine then I got a new laptop with 2GHz centrino and 9700 ATI and the game refuses to work. I can start a new game select character and then after the first movie the game just doesnt load the prelude and freezes until restart
  5. I find the shutting down of holowan extremely unlikely considering that they are on lucasforums a lucas subsidiary so please unless your a lucas crone stop trying to scare these marvellous people away from this mod
  6. sorry didnt think about that :">
  7. well it is the spoiler section (w00t)
  8. isnt Kreia the only reason you have regained your force abilities so when she dies shouldn't you lose your force abilities?
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