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Posts posted by gnoemli

  1. Hy Folks


    So the Keys are distributed and i allready got a question:


    I backed for a Boxed Collectors Edition which includes

    • Collector's Box Version of Pillars of Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual.
    • Cloth Map of the World.
    • Pillars of Eternity Cloth Patch.
    • Pillars of Eternity Mouse Pad.
    • Early Access Beta Key.
    • Pillars of Eternity T-Shirt.
    • Digital Novella by Chris Avellone.
    • Digital High-Res Game Map.
    • Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces.
    • Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors.
    • Pillars of Eternity Themed Ringtones.
    • Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC.
    • Digital Collector's Book.
    • Digital Downloadable Copy of Pillars of Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

    So they said everybody who had backed for a physical copy, would get a steam key so they can play

    BUT, the collectors edition includes a physical Game AND a downloadable Copy


    ??? Did i get something wrong or should there be two Keys (one for the physical, aso promised AND one form DRM freee download) ???

    (downloadable would have been for a fried...)


    Thanks for clarification


    ps: just one more Day, can't wait anymore, you realy did a great Jobs Folks

  2. That kind of thing ALWAYS happens with physical goods. That is why I never do physical goods anymore.


    This time it was a dockworkers strike. Nothing anybody had any control over and they did tell us well before day 1.


    As for Amazon, I am still going to be playing well before they will and so will you.


    like i said, this kind of things can happen, but communication is everything and sry but 3 or 4 posts of BAndler in a Thread concerning other things isn't well communicated... needles to point to the survey of shipping with/without game...

    and sry man but a shipping delay of weekS... i don't know but thats a looot of a delay...


    But yes, i'm exited like a child to play PoE on 26th :dancing:





    bad bad bad publicity Obsidian, your're negleting your bakers, the guys that saved "your asses".... so come on, give as a 1day headstart... ;(


    Bad publicity? They announced the game will be out by the 26th and it will be, so far as I know. Deal with it dude, this has been known for months.


    They also said the keys would be out 'probably Monday or Tuesday' so they have one more day (PST of course) to get us our keys.



    well they also said we would get our physical goods on day 1... and i just read now on the 91 Update page that there were problems... fazit: bakers get their physical goods later than amazon buyers, sry man, but not fair (i know i know, there can always be problems and whining gets me nothing)


    1. Better communication would have helped (Mostly about shiping issue)

    2. 1Day prerelease would be a nice guesture


    thats what i mean with bad publicity, making the people angry that made the project possible IS bad publicity...


    Well even more regarding customers in Europe since it seems we were never meant to get the physical rewards on time.


    <-- from switzerland


    bad bad bad publicity Obsidian, your're negleting your bakers, the guys that saved "your asses".... so come on, give as a 1day headstart... ;(


    Bad publicity? They announced the game will be out by the 26th and it will be, so far as I know. Deal with it dude, this has been known for months.


    They also said the keys would be out 'probably Monday or Tuesday' so they have one more day (PST of course) to get us our keys.



    well they also said we would get our physical goods on day 1... and i just read now on the 91 Update page that there were problems... fazit: bakers get their physical goods later than amazon buyers, sry man, but not fair (i know i know, there can always be problems and whining gets me nothing)


    1. Better communication would have helped (Mostly about shiping issue)

    2. 1Day prerelease would be a nice guesture


    thats what i mean with bad publicity, making the people angry that made the project possible IS bad publicity...

  4. because we are lazy bones ;) and nobody wants to be the game master


    i Don't think they were just made for solitary people... you got tons of things i this kind of game you simply don't have in a PnP... like the amazing drawings, all the plottwists (which would need a reeealy good gamemaster) hours and hours of compaign, all the Items you find, the side quests, the well writen NPCs...


    well simply put: it's a feature i miss... and yea, lot's of people think it's obsolete, but i know for sure i'm not the only one missing this possibility

  5. yeeh why not some spaceships, let our souls drift in the vast space of the universe :p


    but uhm it wouldn't be thaaat hard to implement a solution that still lets you play the game as it is (story wise with main PC) but give the others the possibility to press pause and assign commands to "their" characters... and jae, maybe commbat would need to be a bit slower (or per default in multiplayer mode, if combat starts, slowmotion's active)


    don't get me wrong, it's absolutely clear that this is not gona happen for the basegame ;) (if I remember right, josh said somthing about to timeconsuming and no real idea how to implement)


    My question is because each friend i told about PoE, the first question was: Yehaaa, when are we gone do some new adventure-weekends... and the moment i told them that PoE didn't gone have multiplayer they 1. couldn't understand the reasons and 2. lost complete interest in the Game as playing alone at home lost interest in our teen ages... and now as a group of "adults" (*joke allert*), if we play computergames, it's more of a social thing.


    Like i said, it would give a huge boost to a Pen & Paper feel...

    but pleeeeeease: never make a MMORPG out of it, but a nice multiplayer for a home network :dancing:

    • Like 1
  6. Hy Folks


    I know that multiplayer was discussed and discarded for the main game, BUT is there a possibility that it's gone get implemented later on? as a DLC or in a expansion?


    It's just, that like in the Pen and Paper games, its more fun to play in a group of actual Players. We (3 friends and I) loved doing our BG2 runs as a group over the tcp ip session, sitting in the same room, drinking, smoking and having a fun Role-playing Weekend.

    I think this would give the game an enorm boost community-wise


    ps: thanks for responding ;)

    greez :D

    • Like 1
  7. thanks sensuki


    are these all figurines there will be in PoE or is it possible there will be more?


    I always loved the idea of a druid with a handful of figurines/trikets to trow like a magic bean and summon my littel monster army...

  8. Hy Folks


    just wanted to know if there was any possibility to test a figurine in BB (i didn't play the quests, more fooled around with character builds and classes)

    Are there any information on these, exept the ones in the wiki?


    will they be usefull, how to use them and what kind of figurines would you wish?


    Doesn't look like it will be this week anyway, probably gonna get a "sorry next week reply" later today I suppose?


    I may be wrong though.


    You aren't wrong. Sorry next week reply.


    We are holding off because some changes we made to the base game (streaming of VO) ended up causing serious problems in the Backer Beta. We are fixing them (and it might be good for tomorrow), but I wouldn't hold my breath.


    hm i dont see a maybe ;)

    No don't get me wrong but with changes to the base system and the corrupt attributes and interrupt in last build, i just thought that it's in their best interesst to deliver one last BB and not 1 or 2 Weeks bevor release, as time for bug removal runs out...

    and well, an untested "gold"-build going live, with tons of mini-bugs can't be in their interest and will result in major worse Gametestresults in all the different gamemagazins/portals

    • Like 1
  10. just out of curiosity, how difficult would it be to mod a class?

    Cause if spiritshift of druid stays the way it is, i will have to do somthing about it, can't stand that it got the same flaws as in GB2 (werwolf druid was even better implemented)

  11. the problems with huntingbows and Pistols not beeing balanced is long known... for some reason they don't want to change their stats but neighter give a explanation to WHY their stats are like they are... for me its the same problem like why a 1h weapon is not that much faster than a twohander and thus makes no sense to chose one...

    As seen in your chart, there's no setting where they hit better than an other choice...

    huntingbow needs to be faster or do more Damage...

    Can't say much about Rapiers, as i never took them...

  12. well spiritshift is realy messed up and they don't seem like giving a crap of fixing this... even that we reported the different problems like 2 months ago... (in concern of time till release)


    but well, now they got the excuse " there's no time left to do class changes"


    and yes, i'm angry at OE for ignoring the BB-community on druids, as i don't know one person who's happy on how spiritshift's implemented and there were/are more than enougth sugestions on how to do it better/different (with little programming time)


    spiritshift atm: nice gimmick but not usefull at all

  13. Hy Adam, sorry for nagging again, but it can't be a programming problem to allow shapeshift of the druid to work outside of battle?... at least i don't see where the Problem would be, as shapeshift only does minor attribute changes to the character and got a timelimit (for what reason ever)...


    so if i get it right: most problems with combat only came from the decissions with per rest and per encounter abilitys, and these "problems" came from the decission of how to handle rest/sleep (camping supplies limit)???

  14. On the Linux Build:

    I don't seem to be able to cancel actions my partymembers are doing. Log says: "character busy" or somthing like this. Wasn't this bug allready solved?


    1. select character (Priest)2

    2. chose a Spell

    3. wait 1 or 2 seconds

    4. cancel action (before spell was cast)

    5. Message in Log



    4. cancel action

    5. assign new action (Spell/Move/Attack)

  15. tested the new build for 10 minutes on Linux (Macbook air, mid. 2012, linux Mint) and works and plays like a charm.


    @Luckmann: I'm completely on your side. the decision of "combat only"- ability does neither make sense from a strategic point of view nor in regard of PnP feeling or "getting the feel of BG1/2 or IWD1/2"... quiet sad how it takes away so much role-play freedom... for me one of the decisions i least understand...

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