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Everything posted by Opera_Ghost

  1. with cheating... highest level is lvl 50. So there is a cap, but it's insanely high.
  2. And here, I thought I might have been able to write something new about the game and my own impressions. Bugs aside, (And I stepped on a lot that ticked me off, ie. forfeiting a swoop race caused me to even whenever I finished one afterwards it would still say that I had a nasty crash. (Telos Cantina)) I could see the potential of some real genius in the ideas of the story for the game. Almost as if someone who was a close friend of the original writers for Kotor 1 knew this person as if they were their own brother. (Kotor's was a slightly higher skilled writer... but Kotor 2's plot ideas weren't bad.) What the game fails at is in it's execution of those ideas. For what ever reason, deadline, budget, or some hackney falling out within the programming staff... doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is the game is left flat and seems that it should have forced there to be something like a Kotor 2.5 or something. I describe it mostly as a screenwriter who works on a script for a good 2 years and then hands it over to a director who says he'd love to make this movie... and when the screenwriter views his work... with his name in the credits. (Meaning his credibility as a writer is at stake in this film... and his career and future earnings will be effected.)... He see's some piece of crap that he had no idea it'd turn out this bad on the screen. (Prime example, anyone realize that the "Batman and Robin" movie, and the screenplay for "A Beautiful Mind" were written by the same guy?) And that's my brief take on what happened with the Sith Lords. Unfortunately, that also means that I won't be touching another game by Obsidian entertainment unless it is reviewed by people who I flat out trust. (Meaning sources within the gaming community that aren't easily bought off for highly placed reviews... like IGN and their 9.3 rating.)
  3. From someone who a long time ago had a contact with a friend who was watched closely by LucasFilms liscencing to avoid any copyright violations.... LucasArts as a company, and more specifically George Lucas as it's head would only have a problem with it in the following cases. 1.) Downloading/distribution of said mod... was via some pay source. (person was making money off this product that the company wasn't rightlfully getting a cut of.) 2.) They intend to distribute some sort of expanded edition at some later date with the corrected content. (Not bloody likely) People would still have to buy the game at it's original to be able to play it, so long as it doesn't endorse the use of some type of Warez then it should be fine. I'm not a legal expert or a direct connected member of either company so I really wouldn't know. My only problem is, why in the world did they release a game with so many seriously nasty bugs in it in the first place.
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