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Posts posted by severxsever

  1. I won't mourn the loss of romance as a major characterization device; given the nature and immediacy of the pc's quest, romance (in the form that we've been accustomed to by, say, KotOR) will be trite and contrived in varying degrees.


    The sappier part of me enjoys stereotypically saccherine love in an rpg, but the circumstances under which it takes will start slicing into me like pixelated daggers of torment if allowed to reach a critical mass of absurdity. Ultimately, I'd be satisfied most if romance would be present in as high a degree as feasibly possible without sacrificing realism in the process.

  2. DS Consular


    (STR) 10

    (DEX) 14


    (INT) 12

    (WIS) 14

    (CHA) 16


    LS Consular


    (STR) 10

    (DEX) 14


    (INT) 12

    (WIS) 16

    (CHA) 14


    DS Guardian


    (STR) 14

    (DEX) 16


    (INT) 10

    (WIS) 12

    (CHA) 10


    LS Guardian


    (STR) 14

    (DEX) 16


    (INT) 10

    (WIS) 12

    (CHA) 12

  3. Nobility is easy from a second person perspective. Were we to actually encounter such moral quandaries as Revan faced in KotOR, the path of the lightside would be much more difficult to maintain. Since this imperfect projection of the self on a second party is an inherent property unwont to change, well, we'll be forced to cringe at our own evil choices throughout the game, any game. This only applies to people putting themselves in the pc's place, of course.


    I suppose that a more sophisticated approach to evil in KotOR two might alleviate some of our squeamishness on the subject of commiting evil, but I doubt it would do much good on the whole.


    "Good? A fine jest!"

  4. You're still not taking into consideration the fundamental point of my previous posts. The mindset of an attack may be good and pure, but if that attack is made with the force -- the all-consuming, alien entity -- the attacker is changed, through no intention of his own, both in his body and essence. The tangible decay that the bodies of Darksiders undergo as the fall farther into the Darkside is evidence enough of this.

  5. The distinction that Jedi philosophy seems to make between killing with the Force and killing through other means is a minute one, but it does have some validity to it.


    Remember that the Force is not a passive entity simply waiting to be drawn upon by some enterprising Sith or Jedi; it is an active thing. The lure of the Darkside expresses itself through a tangible sense of yearning, a need to use the Force in whatever fashion one wills its use. Giving in to this yearning not only rationalizes further such abuses in the Force User's conscious mind, it fundamentally alters the most basic levels of the psyche and the concept of morality specific to the individual.


    Generally, I tend to end posts on the ascending drafts of bizarre uptempos, but I'll add this bit of fluff to give this post some shaky sense of completion.

  6. Using the force to harm living or sentient beings is a darkside action. Given the level of sophistication of many of the SW robots, I'd say that there should be no differentiation betwen mechanical sentience or biological sentience.


    This does put the lightside at something of a disadvantage overall, yes, though. Lightside forcepower selection will be up to the task in a duel with the darkside, certainly, but it won't be as effective in taking on more mundane and numerous enemies.


    In part, I think this... uneven balance of power stems from the overavailability of all force powers. I'm excruciatingly tired of seeing run-of-the-mill dark jedi apprentices and masters choke like Vader and electrocute like Palpatine. Leave the super-ueber genocidal force powers to the galactic force prodigies, thanks.

  7. In and of itself, the idea is fine. I just happen to know from experience that the engendered response from the average board goer will read something like "OmGz h0t SiTh cHiXX0rs plz". Don't believe me? Ask yourself why just about every other thread is dedicated to Bastila in some way, shape, or form.


    Actually, I believe listening to fan feedback is a large positive for OE; I was just expressing annoyance at the overwhelming deluge of the drooling fanboy type that has flooded this forum for some time.

  8. Journey with me, archaeologists of the Obsidian Era, back to the moment of this board's creation, back to a time when all sorts of single-celled organisms and rudimentary crustaceans were squirming, crawling, and slurping out of the primordial ooze that marked the infancy of this board. Visceris Obstinatous (or Hades_One, as the species is more commonly known) was at the vanguard of this primitive, fundamental migration.


    An evolutionary anomaly, Visceris Obstinatous comprises both the bottom and the top tier of its evolutionary chain. While other organisms occupying such a peculair state in evolution are either simple enough to subsist off of veritably any environment (such as Darthus Genericus, commonly known as Darth Nobody, an organism capable of only the lowest functions of life, such as tedious repetition, lacking even the most basic of grammatical and indeed, logical, skills) or have gone extinct long ago (An example being the ill-fated Adrius Impersonous, simply referred to as Atek, whose exquisitely poor chameleon-like camouflage abilities left itself open to extinction via natural predators and a harsh environment), Visceris Obstinatous is neither simple, nor extinct. Indeed, the species has flourished virulently in any of the environs it has occupied, not to mention the fact that it is capable of the very highest functions of life, such as pontification and proselytization.


    The sheer tenacity, the sheer adaptability of the species is astounding. Visceris Obstinatous, an evolutionary marvel, was instilled at the very instant of its formation with a survival ability that c***roaches no doubt envy. Its armor of simple-minded resolutivity, thicker and sturdier than any nigh conceivable, is not so much armor at all but the fundamental composition of its being. Peirce it, rend it, slash it, shred it -- it matters not; armor is but a protective husk, unable to sustain "fatal" injuries. Viceris Obstinatous has the, indeed, otherworldly component of being nothing but a husk, through and through, unable to be destroyed, nay, or even wounded! Break it into a billion pieces, break the very atoms of each piece into a billion pieces themselves and it will endure: less organized perhaps, but completely and totally ready to resume its tritely horrifying routine of attack and defense once more.

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