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Everything posted by nilso

  1. I have to bring this topic up again cause I don't understand any of the arguments. 1. People are referring to the table top pen and paper D&D very often. Obsidian made it clear they wouldn't follow those rules but make their own rule book very early on in the development. So it's not an argument in. And IF they did follow the D&D rule book that's a very poor excuse to make poor PC game decisions. 2. Characters would be overpowered. Well so? Scale the mobs! Several games have done it before and it's a doable solution. Dragon Age Origins had a brilliant solution for this. As a side note it's not like they solved this problem anyway. I can think of 2 challenging fights post Act 1, the rest was steamrolling. 3. Not everyone does all the side quests and would be the right level for end game in that case. See point 2. 4. There isn't spells and abilities beyond level 12. Well, sure but that's first of all a design mistake that they could adjust and second I feel like it doesn't matter. Let us pick MORE level 12 spells after level 12 then. It's a solvable problem. In addition to the above there is SO MUCH great content in PoE and Obsidian created it all themselves. It cannot be that hard to calculate roughly which level is possible to reach if you do everything and then make that or at least close to it the cap if you must have a cap. Now you are max level before act 2 is over and most of the good weapons are found by then as well. Again, this is the most hyped I've been for a game in YEARS and it's such a disappointment because act 1 was really really good, exactly what I wished for.
  2. I'm about to finish everything in Twin Elms now, I hit level 12 long ago. I can't remember a battle being hard since lvl 4-5 with the exception of the Adra dragon that took quite a bit of tactics(yay!). Now I don't have the energy to spend the last few hours to finish the game because it has become sooo boring. I don't understand the argument that you would be overpowered if they had no level cap, for the end or in future expansions. How is that my problem? Balance the damn game, now the last 1/3 of the game is just a grind through a mediocre story. You play RPG's to develop your dudes and explore, if you don't get XP and the game is to easy to care about any items the whole motivation to explore disappears. The game was f-ing amazing the first 1/3, the 2/3 was fun cause you still leveled but there was absolutely no challenge. The 3/3 is just completely pointless. Sorry dudes, but you stumbled on the finish line.
  3. For me, I can play for about 5 minutes and then PoE stops responding. I cannot find any crash logs, possibly because I don't have to option to save it since PoE just stops responding. I've tried Ekital's thing but the font file does not exist for me and I have no crash log to follow Windows 8.1 GeForce GTX 870M Intel Core i7 2.2GHz 8.GB RAM
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