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About Kurous

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  1. Then what did you mean here?
  2. Thanks for clearing that up, I for one have been tricked by LucasArts multiple times (I did buy their games...) But not anymore, but then I realized there was one minor oversight on your part, what about Female revans?? Surely all those Sith soldiers weren't taking crazy steroid supplements to become super soldiers thus lowering their voices...no something less obvious is going on here... And I think it know what it is and it all has to do with a small hint that we get in the form of the resilient HK protocol droid. For who else can generate any digitized voice known in the starwars universe? HK can. Who is being made at an Unknow factory? Hk droids. Who owned a previous HK droid and had it built especially for them??? Revan. and now we see they aren't clones at all, but similar looking androids with HK protocols and abilities. Explains the whole voice lock thingy doesn't it??? Sure does....
  3. So why are you so worried about Kreia killing herself throughout the game?
  4. yeah I guess that would help, I'm using PC version...so the compartments were there in the XBOX? I was just maybe expecting some cool trinkets that Revan perhaps forgot about being stored in there. I fixed the first post to state I'm using PC version at the top
  5. Tanuvein your post rocks thanks for taking the time, I should be doing work too, but its much more important to be discussing this but didn't it seem like he would appear later?! I thought this had a lot of potential, expecially since his other brother was still free, but simply turned on him...bah. Okay..that is weird, cause the game clearly stated that I didn't have enough alignment to enter the cave! I pulled up the dialog for you since I had save point very close to where this happened, Rhatrin Vhek: She's also got two secret compartments - one in the cargo hold, righ behind the plasteel cylinders in the back, and the second beneath the bunks in the starboard cabin. I think the developers forgot too.... Wasn't there someone named Vhek in KotOR I or am I really that tired?? oh..I guess I totally messed that up then. ok damnit...He just said that unless GOTO was in chains behind me, it was a no go. oh lord...well then I'm glad I didn't bother. I do remember the yuma? juice being mentioned now. I guess this was more of a comment than a question, just weird how he went from hoding his lightsaber to my throat to training me in a new form! Cool, I got them to back off the poor people, but the leader tried to waste me if I said anything else...luckily they were weak with mal nutrition or something Ah, thanks, a vital piece of info I missed...I thought she was going to turn out to be a figment of your imagination...or a ghost...but then she starts talking to Atton and out went that theory... Oh damn, I was hoping that led somewhere, I may replay that section to see what the Anda quests do. I'm going to attribute this to alignment since I was slightly dark at the time, I went through the quest twice, trying different things, and he just goes after me! I think this was even more confusing since he's the one jedi master who IMO wouldn't have done this...darn it Ed Asner...your dialog was short but good oh well, yeah my char was female..and you can ask this guy till your lightsaber batteries run out why he looks familiar and get no answer! I guess, but Atton usually sees her, and Visas is force senstive...and her character is supposed to be able to "SEE" with the force. Also, don't you think they would have come and check or something instead of leaving you there to rest your head upon two dead jedi. correct me if I'm wrong...weren't they all poison mines...and I don't think anyone has been on mandalore for a long time. I guess the sith set them up...too stop...umm...republic...umm, I dunno. I thought it was odd. Okay, awesome, I just needed a little help with that one. I guess seeing the other ending might have helped me. Thanks. So it actually shows you leaving? thanks again for your post, very informative, and I hope for others as well! Kalfear Thanks for the suggestion, but I did really explore the game, I don't know what the average playing time is..maybe somone could start a poll, but mine was over 40 hours, which doesn't account for the many times I saved and reloaded sections to play them differently to see who they would turn out. I did start to rush in the last part of the game....but only cause I was getting frustrated with the game. I like games that make me think, my favorite genre of game is a good old fashioned Adventure game, however, I also like things to make sense, and for stories to come to a satisfying ending...which is a subjective thing to say I know, since the developers can never satisfy everyone but...I can equate it to my feelings after watching the second Matrix film, nothing on the larger scale of things was resolved, and I was left waiting for another sequel to solve them (and we know how that turned out). Revan is missing at the beginning of the game, and is still at the end. You start an exile and end an exile. I guess right after the camera panned away from Malachor V, I wanted to know what happened the next...and they don't tell you thanks for your post
  6. Hey thanks..yeah I know, I realized that when re reading the post and falling asleep in the middle Couldn't have a prestige class as Grey Jedi..check! Mira/Hanharr...jeez I guess I knew that was the case...but I wish they could have made it a little more clear. Or at least interact with her a bit...sending her to her doom in space suit was quite unrewarding... And at that point I was almost dead even in force alignment so I didn't realize that was the dark path. Yeah Hanharr is an elusive one..I got the shadowlands out of him, but nothing on his family or anything. I've been reading other posts...I can see the ending is confusing for all. I just remembered too, How Kreia is begging to be killed, but whether I say die B*tch! or I wil not kill you, she still fights me twice with her trio of sabers, and collapses into a pit afterwards. I guess a lightsaber is the true symbol of jedi power..Traya was lying! Thanks again
  7. I just finished playing through Kotor II, and I'm supremely confused. I think I made a fatal error in playing this game. I thought, the story , no matter how I played my character would be resolved in some fashion, but all I'm left with is a lot of loose ends. I've browsed the forums, and it seems a lot of people have had similar problems, but maybe someone has explored alternate plots than me and can shed some light on a couple of questions... First off, I thought for tactical, and later story reasons it would be cool to play right down the middle, with no allegiance to light or dark (the path of an exile...?), unlike in Kotor I where I enjoyed being the ulimate goody goody. Sort of a Jolie type character. I think in the end, this was a mistake as a lot of crap seems to have catered to someone who went either way, and not much to how I played it...oh well. My impression from the game was "wow, this is so great!" till about 2/3rds way through the game, where it became evident, that all the cool things I had discovered, would never receive the closure they deserved. So many questions! I wish the developers had cut out a whole level, and given the game some sort of conclusive ending like in KotoR I...anyway, on to the questions. After peragus and Telos I went through the planets in the order of Korriban->Narshadaa->Onderon/dxun->Dantooine->Onderon->Daontooine->Telos->malachor (i don't think I had any choice after visiting onderon the second time)... So I'll start at the beginning where my troubles started.... Telos: 1. I got one of the two merchant s(the same aliens as the Zhugs) brothers arrested, he kept threatning revenge from his cell, something I looked forward too, but sadly I never saw him again. Did he come back? 2. After helping Chodo and Mozo out with their bloody weeds, it seems you need to get into the czerka mainframe to spread some good old propaganda about the head female czerka boss. So you high jack the creds off the droid repair guy and control her assistant droid (did you know you can blackmail the droid repair guy while playing as the protocol droid? that was hilarious). I free the droid and his other buddy in the mainframe, and see them waiting for a shuttle at the telos shuttle dock...must be damn hard to get a shuttle, cause they remained there for the duration of the game! 3. The guy who tries to assasinate you upon your arrival to telos..never did figure out what happened to the real guy, or how he got in there, and gren never really mentions that bounty ever again... 4. Off to the telos surface where I think one of the coolest characters in the game, Bao-Dur spills his story, only to ignore me the rest of the game, anyway..(never mind...never mind...nerver mind...)off to the old military base where an HK droid, after being reactivated, walks a couple of steps and then blows up, intriguing I thought, but this seems of no consequence? Off to the arctic freeze: 5. Okay, so the only reason I knew the Handmaiden was a playable character is because later on I had equipment that listed her as one of wearable characters!!! I completed all of there challenges, but all the "one who honors her mothers face" does it send me on my way...did I miss something here (rhetorical question)? 6. Atris doesn't give a hoot about me either, was there anyway to get my lightsaber back from her?! 7. After viewing the holocron, I was pretty excited to find out what this mysterious reason for being cut from the force was! Sadly...I never really did find out, well it seems it was because of the devastation at malachor, it was the severing link....the so called wound...maybe its just too obivous, I was expecting a big suprise like in KotoR I with the revelaing of who Revan was... 8. Korriban, was pretty straight forward, a little history lesson on the sith, and good flashback to playing kotor I. Only thing was the security door that seemed impregnable in the sith academy, was there a way to blow it up with the thorium charges? I ended up using them much later on , on the moon of dxun to blow up a weapons cache...oh and the stupid cave, which my character would be forever barred from entereing due to their neutralness, exiled again Off to nar shadaa, which by the end of this planet I figured something was up, so much confusion! but I still had hope it would all come together... 9. First off, I didn's see mira except when I killed her with Hanharr...I don't know what I did to lead to this...as I never sided with the wookie intentionally, but that's just how it happened, I really wouldn't have noticed she was a playable char either, until again I noticed some item specific stuff for her...oh well, she was probably just a pretty face anyway... 10. Hanharr...speaking of which I used him a lot, but never could get his past out of him...lame 11. I think it was at this point too, that some confusing stuff happened with the ship. I gave the ship to some guy, who later gets killed by some other dudes who claim the dock for their own. But hey, water under the bridge, after killing all of there clan they strike a deal and give me money...weird...anyway, the guy mentioned a secret compartment, one I didn't even know about!! Yippe I thought, I rushed back to the ship in anticipation, of finding some hidden relic from Revan...perhaps the mystical mind prison from Kotor I !!! ( I thought that was the coolest thing), but no, nothing, no compartments, no secrets. I guess the previous developers...ugh, I mean owner of the ship had them removed. 12. Geedon, the female rodian trader, asks for help making new in roads on other planets (onderon and dantooine) I think, but sadly I never could help her out, no matter how many dialog choices I tried with the damn merchants of those worlds. 13. Vogga, the alternate fuel quest, I guess it was impossible to get GOTO and vogga in the same room...I realize that now, even though I so badly wanted to drag him in front of Vogga and resolve it all. I even tried bringing the useless GOTO droid infront of VOgga, but the obstinate hutt just turned me away. Was there any way to solve the fuel crisis? 14. Vogga had a secret door, which apparently was guarded by a mystical kath hound, who unlike the legions you slaughter later in the game has some sort of teleporting bark that transports you away when you get near it, was there anyway to get into that door?? And what was behind it?! I couldn't even get in wearing the revealing dancer outfit 15. There was an airspeeder by the serrocco clan, was there any way to use it?? I think that was the brief instances where I gained influence with Atton by letting him fix it...looks like he forgot an essential part! 16. The jedi master on NarShadaa, (whose name eludes me) one of the most rational of the bunch, says that we must end this now, get ready for battle, actually how about I teach you a new form, and I'll see you on Dantooine (well only after you enter a special courtyard, tee hee you silly exile you). God that was really confusing how he changed his mind so quickly. 17. Did the serocco clan do anything except become eventual force lightning fodder? 18. This is just general to the entire game...how come no one seems to recognize Darth Traya? I got her to spill her story on Nar Shadaa, and it was always confusing how no one seemed to pay attention to this powerful sith lord wherever I went, she's always just chilling in the background while I shoot the breeze with other jedi masters...who you think might recollect the betrayer and most powerful Sith lord. 19. The droid nonsense on the ebon hawk was quite confusing after getting everyones favorite droid GOTO (the mister ROBOTO song kept popping into my head after hearing this dumbass talk) on board. Okay, so the voice printed functionality that I, as a dumb retard left unlocked has been locked, but it must be someone not on board...since HK could easily use any of there voices..so its a mystery..and not a mystery who did it. T3 gets to do the navigation..hmm evil little droid or not...since this never came into play at all, I though at some point in the game I'd plot in my course and get whisked away to some unknown location, or tractor beamed into a mysterious ship! but no... Off to Onderon, with many questions in tow... 20. Dxun, why oh why is there a whole cache load of cool looking droids that I can do absolutely nothing with! There msut have been some trick there that I didn't get? 21. Mandalore..hmm I wonder if that was canderous...nah couldn't be... 22. This went pretty straight forward after that, except Anda, just sort of disappeared after I saw her, and she offered me some quests. I'm guessin either way you got dhagon gent out? I dunno, I did it the Sherlocke homes way. So much for Mandolore having a word with him about working for the republic...after the republic spy says he met with Dhagon and Mandolore reacts...that Spy dissapears with my generous Starport Visa and his important mission, never to be seen again, even after I told him to go to telos! 23. Did that beast rider dude you meet in the beginning ever do anything? I thought it was the perfect oppurtunity to put my new "beast trick" into action, but I guess the lightsaber was the only answer when the beast escapes. 24. OH so close to finding out what happened with Kavarr..but all will be revealed when I get him and the other jedi he swore not to speak of what happened to me with together on Dantooine! next stop. Okay, at this point I started to realize the unevitable..my feelings of confusion were not going to go away... 25. Skip to the end of this mission, for some reason, Master Vrook, even when solidifying Khoonda's defenses, rallying the troops, getting rid of the evil mercs, receiving praise from his friend the administrator (while he is in the goddamn room), was going to put a stop to my evil machinations! I was so dissapointed I tried running around the room waiting for him to stop. All the time that dumb militia guy just watches...I really didn't understand this part of the game. So vrook dies which later on which messes stuff up. 26. Back a bit, to the enclave, who is the desciple? why whenever I talked to him I gained dark points, even when he healed me. So strange, I figured he must be evil, but in the end that didn't seem to be the case. I gained influence with him, but he never revealed why he was so familiar looking...I guess he fought with you? I was really hoping it was going to be deeper than that, but I never did find out who that character was at all. 27. So vrook is dead, no matter what I did, so the two jedi at the enclave, when I go to meet them again, merely pounce on me right away, not revealing the past, not revealing stink all. I was pretty desperate at this point, I wanted the 4 remaining Jedi I had gathered here to turn on Kriea and drive her out...I was looking forward to it the whole game! But instead she uses her Zapping power on me and I take a nap for quite awhile, as she arranges passage off Dantooine. It was nice of Visas and Atton to stand idly by watching this happen in the next room too. I guess they figured I'd meet them back at the ship. I think I got force Crush at this point, which proved ridiculously overpowered against bosses in the end due to its locking affect (I was a consular). Good old world eater went down without much of a fight. 28. I took his mask too, but couldn't use it....did anyone find a use for it later on? 29. Why did Mandolore act all sneaky about destroying the ship without the republic knowing, but then involve you in the plans.. Off to Malachor! Did my party die? Where am I? Who had the forethough to put gas mines everywhere? 30. What is a storm beast, where did they come from why are they attacking me, and why are they also prime candidates for force crush, even though they look like they could absorb dark powers. 31. Why did I have to waste time turning on 4 shield generators with Bao-Dur's bee-bop droid, only to get high jacked by that bastard GOTO, and then see them wait...for a signal, that I never had the chance to give! 32. Why no matter how many times I say I will give mercy to kriea I kill her with words?? She falls into a pit, the camera zooms out, and the Ebon Hawk falls into a pit (that happend a bit earlier). So much for Revan and the exile reuniting, ack, at this point just disbelief, luckily the latter half of the game was completed quite easily due to the miracles of force lightning and crush, but still...I was really hoping for some closure, but everything Kriea says about the future... well didn't really clear anything up. The disciple..yep still a nobody, Hanharr, who cares he's a wookie, HK-47, dumb droid, GOTO, not even worth mentioning even though he's holding the trigger that will destroy both of us in a second. Atton, always a fool, Canderous, hey... wait a minute Kriea you just slipped up and told me something of interest! it was canderous!..still would have been cool to see his face. T3, he pretty much stopped being a factor after he took over navigation. Bao Dur, she never could read him too well. and No matter what I say at the end, I toss Kriea's body into the pit and that's it. No destruction from the shield generator, she says I can take a ship or stay there, but it doesn't seem to matter, I guess I just stay there.. Carth asked me to tell him anything I found out about Revan..that never happened either. I"m not really sure maybe this stuff does happen! the camera pans away to another more interesting nebulae of some sort while I figure out what to do. And then the credits.... 33. One last thing, I think I missed something, but from what the loading screens tell me, you get to be a weapon master or other such classes at some point, but I never got to choose... This turned into a more of a rant (and a long one at that...I can't believe I wrote that much) than I wanted, but if anyone could shed any light whatsoever (or point me to a similar thread) I'd be most grateful! I numbered them afterwards..apologies if I numbered something that wasn't a question...I double checked but its late.
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