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  1. Patch has frozen at 92%
  2. Download a 'KOTOR2 trainer' Type it in Google and download, it will put your character to full light.
  3. Anyone else have this same problem?
  4. I have encountered many crashes in the game when loading, I have got round quite a few, especially when it failed to load Onderon, somehow I got it to load. Now, it will NOT load Nar Shaddaa level, all the cut scenes play perfect, it's only when it autosaves then loads the level it crashes! Now I tried to load a previous save I had done, it will not load that either, so now I have no chance in playing the game from where I left off! If anyone has come accross the same problem as I have please post up as I have searched everywhere and no one has the same problem I do when loading Nar Shaddaa. Great way to spend
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