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Everything posted by dopesheet

  1. My apologies, I thought I posted this in the technical support forum. I don't see any way to remove my post and post it in the correct forum or to move the thread unless I am missing something. Could a moderator possibly move this thread as it contains spoilers?
  2. I have finished the main story line, however I never triggered the Unfriend Al Gore side mission. I also am not getting flooded with messages from Al Gore. I received the initial message from Al Gore and two subsequent messages, which I have deleted in an effort to trigger the mission but it did not work. When I visit the U-Stor-It facility and go into Al Gore's unit and talk to him, he says "Keep and eye out for ManBearPig. I'll contact you on my internet when i pinpoint his exact location." He simply repeats this whenever I talk to him, and hitting him does not trigger the boss fight. Is there anything I can try to do to trigger this side mission once the main story line has been completed? The items in his Secret Room are the only ones left that I need to complete the game.
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