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About appleseedexm

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  1. Who would that be and how many views? http://www.twitch.tv/cohhcarnage He seem to have gone to break now, but he had over 8000 viewers for his stream. http://www.twitch.tv/itmejp took now over, but he already has 4k+ viewers. @Topic: I fully understand the press thing, it's vital for a game and completely normal. What I dont really understand is the fact, that streamers get the game to stream it. I just haven't seen this until now, that a game gets a pre-release (I want to call it that) for players, who show others how to play a game. Tutorials? Sure. How-Tos? Sure. Tips&Tricks? Sure. And so on. But full play-through on Twitch? I mean if one is fast, he might be finished prior to the 26th with the story - for everyone who wants to see and to share (ofc, I wont watch it, but I would be pi**ed if someone came over and told me some major story facts). Streaming is not reviewing in my eyes, and the fact that on some streams there already have been giveaways of the game (hopefully NON-playable prior 26th) is just another fist in the stomach. Visibility is one thing, but showing the (complete) content off on a big stream prior to the release is no the way to do it. And in addition, you even hurt the small streamers, because most people will follow those guys who already have more progress - the press-streamers. I'm not mad, just a bit disappointed, and I hope Obsidian does at least care a bit.
  2. Am I correct that the guys with the boxed versions wont get keys, but only will be able to play it once it arrives? Since so many are already playing, I'm wondering if I chose the wrong pledge for early access ;_;
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