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Posts posted by mightysword

  1. No, the second game and third game is identical. Pure lightside (achieve master light status). And Mira also pure light side also, just like the second game. Nothing is different between second and third game.


    As said I know how to turn her and that force hearing on Narshaddar. But the problem is I still fail the influence check for her to allow me to show her the force, when I think I even have more influence over her this time (as state above).


    the only weird thing is I don't have the dialogue option to piss her off (then come back to appolozy). I did it in second play but I don't see the option in third play. And as I said I turned her by 1 ship dialogue (don't have to leave the ship), now I even add the 2 bounties influnce + with all the dialogue possible, still...



    So help!?

  2. Alright, so this is the 3rd time I play through the game. But something is not right with Mira.



    On the second play, I manage to turn Mira into a Jedi first hand. Through a series of dialogue. I don't even have to leave the ship and she didn't spend a single time in the party with me. I got enough Influence to turn her in one dialogue.



    Now this time I can not do it any more. I even try to use the Dxun and Os...something planets (2 time you encounter some bounty hunters) and I did score both time (+ influence). Beside, I did the dialogue three and I think I got about 4+ influence (one+ asking about her personal life (family, slave...etc..), 2+ asking about Nar Shadda, and 1+ about Hanharr). So technically, I think I even got more influence this time then the last time, still, I fail the influence check when I try to convince her about the Jedi training. And before you ask, yes, I also asked why she didn't kill. As said I did manage to turn in 1 on ship dialogue before.



    I notice one thing that I can not initial the "Jedi piss off" dialogue with her (the one you come back to appolozy). I tried all the option and can not find this option (I did do it on the second time I play the game, but not this time). So? Any idea?l

  3. Yes, as I said. BG is not about fighting for a cause, but your own survival. You lived the life of continuously being chased, whenever you go, city burned and people die and river of blood. The ending in TOB or even SOA is just simply put an end to a threat of your life, and that's not happy, especially with the cost of what happenned.

  4. 3. The BIG thing..actually quote from teh README.TXT in Docs:







    Known Issues




    Intermittent Crashes


    The game may freeze or crash to a blank screen if you play

    in one level for extended periods of time. This was typically

    seen when playing the game between thirty and forty minutes

    without transitioning to a new level or movie. We recommend

    that you save the game often to avoid losing progress if you

    encounter this issue."




  5. In KOTOR1, by the end of the game, I had roughly 20+ lightsabers... I'm on Dantooine now, after beating Nar Shadda, Dxun and Onderon, yet I only have 3 lightsabers, the lightsaber I built, a double bladed, and a short one. My question is, where the hell are all of them? I thought I'd have enough lightsabers by now to start a little "lightsaber 4 cheap" shop, but I've barely got any? Is there someone who sells more? Oh, and by the way, can you turn Atton or Mandalore into Jedi?



    Then either you forget and break them down at the workbench, or sold them, or you just skip through a whole bunch of quest, several quest reward you with Lightsaber, sometime loot the body of dark jedi (random). Yeah, while I think there is less lightsaber in this game, but I still end up with around 10 light sabers

  6. yeah, you can train him, I think the reason why he can not wear robe is because his arm. I just focus on Force power that has no armor restriction or power that is in constant effect.



    Uhm...about Mandalore, you can not train him, can you?

  7. Ok, answer 1 question by 1 question:


    - Yes, I did play BG, it's the first RPG I played when I first play on PC and I still play it now once in a while.



    - Sorry, but in BG, it's not the sense that you win. In BG it's either revenge, or a fight for your own sake, you don't do that for other. Yeah sure, I end up having a kid with Aerie so sure that make me happy, is it how to define a happy ending? No, it's an ending of peace, after so much strugle you decide to stand down, or you become a god, and that's happy? No, I think the only people who think Power bring happy is the people who desire power. Happy? No. Good? Yes. It wraps up the story, and that's how an ending is supposed to be or do. Good ending != Happy Ending.



    - I repeat, we never ask for a happy ending, where there is ceremony, praise and such. But an ending is suppose to be a conclusion, it should wrap up the story. This is the main problem with ending that leave space for sequence, and not only KOTORII has this problem. I have seen game with good ending and still have room for sequence (BGII:SOA to BGII:TOB), but the ending of KOTORII is purely pathetic. I say the story is good, but the ending SUCKS. It begs for KOTORIII. I don't need a happy ending, but a good ending. It's just like drinking a fine class of cognac but swallow an ice block at the end.



    - About saying anyone who say Bio > Obs is fan boy, I disagree. That's opinion and people has the right to state it. Sure you can see there are people prefer Obs > BIo, so you can conclude that they are Obs fan boys? No, we are players, we respect company that give us good game and has proved themselves with time that their game is worth our money (10 years!). I don't hate or dislike Obs, but they're new, so they will have to do a better job and keep doing it to impress me. KOTORII is good and as I said on my very first post, it's worth my 50$. But there is room for improvement and KOTORII is indeed has more bugs then an average game of its gerne. Trust/respect comes with time and effort, and before you can gain it, well....you know what I mean. And my last input for this is: I will only start respect Obs if they one day come up with a tittle that bear their own name.



    -Don't get me wrong, I enjoy KOTORII, the fact is in just 1 week I play it through twice. But as I said, it does need improvement, and if KOTORIII is made by Obs and they plan on KOTORIV, they need to learn how to make a good ending while can still guarantee expansion.



    - To Tanuvein: you can see that the exile doesn't reconize Bastila in T3's hologram, but he reconize her in Corriban, that's one. And there is a whole bunch of re-loop dialogue in KOTORII.

  8. Well, Davik is not a plot hole. It doesn't make sense indeed, but this kind of thing in KOTORII is also abundant, irrelavant.



    You only see in the cutsceence a single Sith ship (Malak's ship), but the fact is there is a whole fleet, the admiral told Malak that he will need several "hours" to posistion the "fleet". So I bet Taris is surrounded by what should be hundred Sith warships, without the code that mean one can not take of on any side of the planet.


    The jedi admit that they're in desperate, and that make sense. Remember the original purpose is to use Revan and find the source of the Sith fleet production. Revan is never meant to defeat Malak. Maybe the Council still tolerate Revan because they only need him to fight the starforce, and that's an action out of desperate.

  9. NWN ending was quite crappy regardless, minus the last expansion.


    Baldur's Gate II and Throne of Bhaal had fantastic endings, though.




    Yes, but neither they're a wooohoooo you win ending. The fact is in BG even the ending is fanstactic, it's surely doesn't about "you just win". but more like you just save your self.


    "There are no real plot holes, like in KotOR I."



    Care to explain? I played through the game 5 times and I can not see it. If you mean Carth's story about Telos is a plot hole, then I respectfully disagree.

  10. If KOTOR II light side ending had that stupid bullcrap ceremonial hero crowning crap, I'd be the first to set torch to the Obsidian HQ.


    Yet, if Bioware made the game, that's exactly what we'll get: a crappy, predictable, happy-go-lucky WOO HOO YOU WIN ending.



    We never ask for a ceremony or that soft, and it's not the only way to wrap up a story. So your point is?



    And may I ask how many Bioware games you played? Most deffinitely not BG series and NWN series (which is their 2 biggest serries). Because if you did play those 2 series than that "crappy, predictable, happy-go-lucky WOO HOO YOU WIN ending" line won't find its place.


    So next time, try to be not sarcastic, and don't be so sure "that's exactly what we'll get" if you don't have proof.




    "There are no real plot holes, like in KotOR I."



    Care to explain? I played through the game 5 times and I can not see it. If you mean Carth's story about Telos is a plot hole, then I respectfully disagree.

  11. the post above is not direct at your post Atirs, but at Tanuvein's.


    This game has great potential, When I left Telos academy, I was sure that this is better then KotorI so far, but yes you're right, it appears that the further it goes, the worse the story broken up.


    Also there is no suprise in this game I must say, Kreia's betrayal can be seen, or guested, it's not like the Revan reveal in KotorI. Atris is even more obvious. This game may have great plot if it doesn't give away too many hints! :ph34r:


    The follower's developement is not balance and some rushed. And the ending is totally off. The Jedi council is a joke, I know it may be the point to show the Council's arrogant, but for god sake it's still the Jedi council, whatever the game is trying to show, it does it the wrong way. :-"



    And I guess no comment is needed for the ending, I wonder why they don't put the line "please wait for KotorIII" at the end of the credit screen. :) . We know there will be a sequence to Kotor at the ending (both darkside and lightside leave a hint to it) and yet the game still be able to retain as a whole itself, not the case of KotorII

  12. ok, now nagging at obsidian because of mis-spelling is really stupid, i have noticed alot of mis-spellings, but i am not nagging at them, they were rushed so expect things like this.




    I'm sure won't nag about spelling, provided I'm also bad at it :">


    but it's good to point out where they're wrong so they can fix it. And the "rushed" thing can not be excused for dialogue! (yes we know this game is rushed, but it appears people use this as an excuse for every problem, no matter it's applicable or not). The dialogue remain the same, and the Xbox version is already out for months before, the change between PC and Xbox is about the coding program and optimize some feature, so ?



    Well, there is people who like Ob and those who is not, but don't be overprotective. As said I won't nag about mis-spelling, but it's not wrong to point that out, and the person who did it surely is not stupid ;)"

  13. The ending of KOTORII is not exactly bad, it's just begging for KOTORIII (and in my dictionary, it's bad). I mean you can always wrap up an espisode to give the players a sastisfy ending while can still leave a few open for sequence, totally left the thing open is....bad.



    I prefer KOTORI story, and I don't know where the post before me said, KOTORI has "much" less story flaw then KOTORII, and it has much less bugs!



    Still, it's not bad, better then the average RPG on the market, and sure worth my 50$, I will play it the third time when it has a patch ;)


    And I'm a big fan of Bioware, but to be honest, I think Bioware done with license material, they now do thing their own way, which is good. It appear Obsediance will soon need to learn how to create stuff on it own.

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