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About lunatic263

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. CohhCarnage mentioned release time would be 9 AM PT.
  2. Hi. I would like to build a Savegame Editor for TOW. But I can't manage to read the savegame files. Can anyone provide help on this, please, or is it simply not possible to extract the values out of the files? Thank you...
  3. Thank you for the information. Does anybody know if it will be a Play Anywhere title? If I buy it for PC on the MS Store, can I play it on my Xbox too?
  4. Hi. I'd really like to buy TOW for PC, but I prefer a boxed version instead of a digital one. Are there plans for a physical PC release? And when can I pre order this version? Thanks in advance
  5. Maybe the guys from Obsidian could give a statement on this issue. I can't believe that I have paid nearly 70 $ and now there's a boxed version including a german manual and I have to deal with the English PDF. Why can't backers choose which language version of the manual to download on the Backer Portal? I am a bit annoyed...
  6. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um die finale Version des Handbuchs. Das erscheint erst am Donnerstag, und dann auch lokalisiert. Ist die lokalisierte Fassung inzwischen erschienen? Falls ja, wo kann ich sie runterladen?
  7. Not for me, I've never gotten an extra 1.8gb download either. Where in that folder can it be found? Just loose files or in more subdirectories? Seems like Im the only one still with ZERO goodies? I have the game, but nothing extra, even though steam says the dlc's are installed. (Im not a backer, just somebody who has Champion Edition on steam). I am missing the goodies too. Redeemed my hero edition key from backer portal on steam and then purchased the upgrade for the champion edition...
  8. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um die finale Version des Handbuchs. Das erscheint erst am Donnerstag, und dann auch lokalisiert. Super! Vielen Dank für die Info. Beim Strategy Guide darf man wohl nicht auf eine Lokalisierung hoffen, oder? Könnte ich verstehen, aber schön wär's trotzdem. ;-)
  9. No idea? I really hope that there is a digital German manual after all. According to the Amazon Germany homepage there is a German manual in printed form in the boxed edition. http://www.amazon.de/Paradox-Pillars-of-Eternity/dp/B00O9QFYQG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427282947&sr=8-1&keywords=pillars+of+eternity
  10. Where/when can I get the German version of the manual (digital) ?
  11. Will the game's manual and the digital strategy guide be localized in German language? Sorry if I missed a hint on that ;-)
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