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Spike of Hyrule

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Everything posted by Spike of Hyrule

  1. I mean he asks about a crystal and then I'm back to controlling myself and I have no lightsaber. I have chosen which one I want but it doesnt give me an option of which crystal I want in it yet I have 2 crystals. Is it supposed to give me a choice of which crystal i wish to use?
  2. I'm on Dantooine (first planet I chose) and I have already defeated Visas without a lightsabre. I did the sublevels and saved a guy who sold me lightsaber parts for 1000 credits which resulted in me having all the parts to build my first lightsaber (yay!). Problem is I have gone to Bao-Dur and he tells me I have all parts and asks what type of lightsaber I want to build. I have tried choosing both the single and double versions but when it says about the crystal it go's off of the text. How do I actually build the lightsaber now I have all the parts? I have gone to the workbench but I can't figure out if I am supposed to do it there or elsewhere Can anybody help me out? I've wanted a lightsaber from the begginning of the game and I'm now 14 hours into the game and still have no lightsaber
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