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NWN2 News March 28, 2008

Neverwinter Nights Community Update

March 28, 2008


Well, it seems I can't get to this blog in any sort of timely manner. Working on the patches has taken up much more of my time than I anticipated. Because of this, I am going to offer community members the opportunity to send in articles for the Blog. Your articles can be about anything NWN2-related. If there is a bit of Custom Content you like, a persistent world you are excited about, a module that seems fun and interesting, or anything else, and would like to share information about it with the rest of the community, just send the write up to me here via PM. If you would like to include screenshots or pictures, let me know and I will send you an e-mail address to send them to.


Today's Update will cover a bit of the 1.13 patch, the MoW authentication delays, some community creations and the NWN2 Area Design Contest.


1.13 Patch Sneak Peek

While we are still nailing down the 1.13 patch - the MoW Security work makes this difficult - I thought I would just give you a sneak peek at some of the fixes already planned for the 1.13 patch:


  • The toolset and game will load haks in the same order
  • Ability to tint multiple tiles while multi-selected
  • Allow GetNextItemInInventory to work with stores
  • The dm_setfaction command will no longer cause servers to crash
  • Light and sound sphere sizes will be correct in the toolset
  • Add get and set functions to access the ItemPropertyActivationPreference flag on items
  • The Chat channel selected will remain persistent through area and module transitions
  • Skills.2da will now allow up to 100 rows of data

As always, items in the patch are subject to change as need and time dictates. I should be posting a more detailed list in the next couple weeks. We will be doing something a little different and making the lists and the progress updates available in different languages.


Mysteries of Westgate Security System

There has been a lot of craziness surrounding the MoW Adventure Pack release regarding the online authentication system that is being worked on. To help clear things up a bit, Keehwan Her from Atari has posted the following news in the Neverwinter Nights 2 Forum


Hi everyone,


My name is Keehwan Her and I am the Atari producer for Mysteries of Westgate (MoW) among other D&D products. Most of you know that the release of Mysteries of Westgate has been delayed because of ongoing development of a new security system. Near the end of MoW


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Thanks a lot for this new blog entry, Mr. McGnome !



NEAT! I never knew there was a catogory for hak compilations on the vault.



ATARI waited for MOW to land on their desks for them to figure out that they wanted new copy protection? :rolleyes:




Glad to see Atari throwing Securom out on their butts, at least that's what I gather from the "redoing security in-house" statement.


1794 petition signers can't be wrong.


Been asking for an ETA on this every patch since 1.06: Where is the updated dedicated server creator? And where is a working ActivatePortal for seamless transitioning between instances on PW servers?


--seriously. wtfrak?






Thank you very much for the mention in the blog! Good entry as usual. Keep it up :)



why 100 lines in skills.2da and not the full 256 (0-255)?,will this also fix the GUI assignment of skill points? so we can do custom skills.



Allow GetNextItemInInventory to work with stores


Allow GetNextItemInInventory to work with stores


Allow GetNextItemInInventory to work with stores


I am SO excited about this one. I've been waiting what seems like a year for it.



Hmm, actually it has been a year.


Never mind. HUZZZAH!

Nathan Thomerys


1.13 Patch Sneak Peek

While we are still nailing down the 1.13 patch - the MoW Security work makes this difficult - I thought I would just give you a sneak peek at some of the fixes already planned for the 1.13 patch:


* The toolset and game will load haks in the same order

* Ability to tint multiple tiles while multi-selected

* Allow GetNextItemInInventory to work with stores

* The dm_setfaction command will no longer cause servers to crash

* Light and sound sphere sizes will be correct in the toolset

* Add get and set functions to access the ItemPropertyActivationPreference flag on items

* The Chat channel selected will remain persistent through area and module transitions

* Skills.2da will now allow up to 100 rows of data



As always, items in the patch are subject to change as need and time dictates. I should be posting a more detailed list in the next couple weeks. We will be doing something a little different and making the lists and the progress updates available in different languages.


Hi everyone.


I have a question, or maybe something to tell. About this new patch.


In the 1.12 patch, you told the community you were working on Implement multi-server portal support. (as we can see on the time line which wasn't updated on this link.


However, this work seems not to be implemented in this version of the patch and - now - in the 1.13, it doesn't seem to be implemented neither.


This technical option, which is very important for all the servers of MMORPG which are working with NW2 (and which give to NWN2 a real opportunity of visibility), has diseappeared a long time ago with a previous patch (because this option was available on the first times of NWN2 - and disappeared suddenly with no reason).


The developers often tell the users (and administratos of such servers) this option of Multi server portal support would be implemented again. But, each time, this is the same thing : a new patch comes out, and the support isn't available !


So, I would like to know if the Obsidian developpers are going to take users demands seriously or if they are going to get rid of them regularly until 2010 or 2012, waiting for a hypothetical development of NWN3 to propose finally this muti-server portal support as if it was the revolution of the year.


Thanks for your ansvers, your work and your attention.


Best regards,


A french user who can't stand the false promises done to the community about this point, and... who speaks english very badly as the most part of french people :lol:



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