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The Community Blog (An Invitation)


The journey of our 240407_meme_20th_01b.thumb.jpg.bff273239f19bba6fe7f25a783eab7f3.jpgcommunity has spanned two incredible decades, which was launched February 7th, 2004, and is marked by our support for Obsidian and its remarkable creative endeavours. To further accentuate the richness of our community's diversity and its connexion with Obsidian, we are excited to introduce a new feature: the Community Blog.

The primary objective of this blog is to extend an invitation to the community to pitch ideas for blogs, which will range between 500 to 800 words (the blog could be text-based, a vlog, even a short podcast!). These blogs will be published regularly and will provide a platform for our members to share their unique perspectives and experiences. We envision publishing a blog monthly, which will delve into the realm of gaming, specifically focusing on the individual's encounters with Obsidian's games. Moreover, we encourage exploration of the broader implications for an industry that continuously evolves, weaving together storytelling, technology, escapism, and social commentary.

If this resonates with you, we invite you to connect with Fionavar by sending them a private message with your pitch (https://forums.obsidian.net/profile/49-fionavar/)! The author for each monthly blog chosen will receive a ‘thank you’ from Obsidian for your creativity up to twice a year. As well, each writer will also have a blogging badge attached to their profile after posting.

As the Squad extends this invitation for the first blog, which is slated for publication on May 7th, we want to thank you for your support of Obsidian and its unfolding creativity. We hope this regular new feature, which will be published on the 7th of each month as content is available, will capture the community’s excitement and interest in the gaming industry. Together, let's continue to shape the narrative of our shared enthusiasm for gaming and its profound impact on our lives.

Join in the conversation here: 


-The Mod Squad

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