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To World Map button is missing



So, I was chasing after Eder's "son" near the Ashen Maw. When I clicked to talk to the ship, I was intercepted by pirates. During the ship combat, the UI was invisible, but it came back after combat. I then went to my boat's deck and saved my game. Well, now the button that lets you go back to the world map from the deck is straight up not there. After a lot of testing and stuff, my nearest save is now 27h back (yeah, yeah I know). Anyone have any ideas?

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3 answers to this question

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I also encountered this bug.  I uploaded a save at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mwJy-7GAVvPyWkU6MXfbPfyXT3GTrx6v


The only unusual(ish) thing is during the Recue Bearn quest when I went to interact with the ship nearly at the same time a random ship also attacked me.  It's probably not the cause but that is the only unusual thing before this issue happened.


Also, if there is a quick way to fix this with that save please let me know.  I had been relying on quick/autosave so righting this situation will take several hours.


Thanks for the great game hope this gets fixed.

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