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question about Eyeless bestiary entry



Just finished WM2 and checked the bestiary to see what I just learned about the various beasties, the entry for the stonepiercer is incomplete and from what I understand there should be no more of them in the world. Prior to the final WM2 quest are there stonepiercers anywhere else outside the scar or is it impossible to get a full entry for them on normal? Apparently I killed 13 hammers and 8 stonepiercers and I am relatively sure the hammer entry got to 100% in the pit battle where the squid had 2 hammers for support, do more eyeless spawn if the battle takes longer?

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Ok so I just ignored that situation it's no big deal plus that's why the wiki exists but now on a PotD play just took down the adra dragon and no entry for it pops up, the loss of xp is inconsequential but not knowing what am I doing is somewhat irritating. Don't know if it matters I'm running the steam version.

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Getting the same problem, ran out of stone piercers to kill, would try spawning them in but can't find the console command to do that

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