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Villain summon in 6-2



I’ve completed this with 4 character parties and 1 character parties, without issues.


Trying this for the first time with a party of 3 (Sajan, Seelah, and Lem).


Sajan (with Lem) defeated a henchman at Heptaric Locus. An attempt to close the location was made (meaning the villain showed up), but was unsuccessful.


A second attempt was made after the deck was cleared and was successful. Lem moved to Town Square.


Seelah encountered a henchman at the Temple. Won the encounter and attempted to close. Villain pops up at Lem’s location and all the cards are cleared as though them just closed it (auto-close at Temple being applied to Town Square because the game is confused about locations due to the random villain spawn?).


Lem does his thing and then we pan back to Seelah to finish out her turn. She closes the Temple.


Sajan moves to City Gate and does turn stuff.


Lem (in a locations with no cards) banishes a card to close it, but never had to fight a henchman.


Seelah moves to City Gate with Sajan. Does turn stuff.


Sajan does turn stuff.


Lem joins the party at City Gate. Heals some people.


Seelah moves to Mountain Top and does turn stuff.


Sajan and Lem eventually pull off another henchman encounter with a side of random villain spawning. Technically this is the third henchman down and the dragon is supposed to be a thing I can fight and kill now, but no go.


Anyway, everyone is at the Mountain Top now, getting ready to fight a 4th henchman and hoping that the dragon actually shows up this time.

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