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Freezing upon New Game



Hi folks,


I've just bought PoE via Steam, but cannot get the game to initialise a new campaign. It launches fine, runs the main menu perfectly, but hangs on the first Loading... screen with a Spinning Beach Ball of Doom after selecting New Game.


I have tried verifying the game cache, re-installing, leaving it for half an hour in order to verify that it's not just loading incredibly slowly, and using the most recent beta build, but none seem to allow me to progress! Also, this doesn't seem to have been solved elsewhere.

See attached crashlog.


System specs:


Model: Early 2008 Macbook

Processor: 2.1 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

OS: OSX 10.7.5

Memory: 6GB RAM

Graphics: Intel GMA X3100 144 MB 



Cheers in advance for any suggestions!


Edited by Kumanji
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