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Queuing a buff spell after a Citzal's Spirit Lance causes the caster to attack themself




Queuing a buff spell after a weapon summon spell causes the caster to auto-attack themselves after summoning the weapon, and ignore any queued commands after the weapon summon spell.


Steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Enter combat

2. Use shift key to queue Citzal's Spirit Lance and any self-buff spell (e.g. Delerious Alacrity of Motion, Citzal's Martial Power), in that order

3. Caster begins auto-attacking themself after casting Citzal's Spirit Lance



- Disabling AI doesn't resolve the issue

- Bug occurs with both Wizard PC and Aloth

- Bug occurs with Citzal's Spirit Lance and Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff, but not Kalakoth's Minor Blights

- Bug doesn't occur with ability buffs (e.g. Arcane Veil) or attack spells

- However, the bug occurs even if there are commands queued between the weapon summon and the buff (for example, queuing Citzal's Spirit Lance → Fan of Flames → Delerious Alacrity of Motion causes the caster to summon the spirit lance, cast Fan of Flames, and then begin attacking themself)


I don't have a Dropbox account and the savegame is too big to attach, but I've attached a screenshot.


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