So for the second time in a couple of days, I have run into a bug with Caed Nua, where a visitor is supposed to be at the castle, but doesn't show up. The first time it was Azzuro, but that seemed like a bug specificly with him. But now I'm supposed to be visited by Berolt, only just like Azzuro, he doesn't show up. Is Caed Nua extremely bugged or am I just extremely unlucky?
So for the second time in a couple of days, I have run into a bug with Caed Nua, where a visitor is supposed to be at the castle, but doesn't show up. The first time it was Azzuro, but that seemed like a bug specificly with him. But now I'm supposed to be visited by Berolt, only just like Azzuro, he doesn't show up. Is Caed Nua extremely bugged or am I just extremely unlucky?
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