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White Macrch level scaling bug ?

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I entered White March part I with a level 10 party. The game askefor "high Level" or "Standard", I chose "Standard", but some figths are impossible to win (or only with barely with all bell and whistles) . So, my best Damage dealer has a accuracy of 65, but some enemies have accuracy of 90 and deflection if smth over 70.

Is this normal ? I read that some were able to do it with level 7 parties or went smth wrong ? Has anybody experienced the same issue ?

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I don't know what the standard stats (I chose to scale it for high level) are supposed to be, but there is a known bug that causes deflection to rise when you quick save and load in some areas. You could test this yourself to see if the deflection is getting higher every time you save and load. This bug is supposed to be fixed in the next patch (which they are trying to prepare for a beta release ASAP).

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