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Quest mode sends into a Story mode



After installing last update pressing the Quest button takes me to the Story mode, specifically to Perils of the lost coast with the party from my last quest. Doesn't let me choose the party or anything. If I proceed to Brindandoom, it plays as usual and lets my level 18 characters get rewards.

If starting a new party in story mode, it shows characters from Quest mode for selection.


 I'm using Sony Xperia Z5 Compact with Android 6.

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I'm having the same issue on my ipad air 2 with most recent IOS.  It did not immediately start after i updated.  I updated Saturday morning and played quite a bit since then, probably leveled my charaters 4 times.  Now when I start my quest it sends me into story mode starting at Perils of the Lost Coast but with all my Skill, Power and Card Feats.  I finished the first story mission to see if that would break it out and I got the 1st mission reward.  I had a weird thing happen on my last Quest mode game though.  There was an issue (not game related) I was connected over a mobile hotspot and either I got a call, closed the game on ipad or let it time out.  I got the disconnected message and quit game and logged back in so I would not lose gold.  Then finished the game got gold putting me over 18000, got xp and reset my character decks.  I then took a short break and started another game.  My first character's first hand was very similar to my previous game.  Coincidence????  Thn I explored my location and the location cards were the same.  I finished the identical game, the only differences were the rolls.  I got Gold, XP and reset my character decks, but when I tried to start another game I was in story mode.  Quit and closing did nothing.

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