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How about a toggle for turning on Per Rest for the whole party at once?

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Sometimes I want to turn it on for everyone, and it's super annoying to have to go to each individual character's portrait and AI option to have to turn it on for each of them one at a time when I want to enable it for everyone in a particular battle.


I tend to leave it off and then switch it on for boss fights, and sometimes I do want to micromanage and only enable it for one or two of the AI at a time, but usually if I want it on, I want it on for everyone. There's no good reason why there shouldn't be a way to toggle it on and off for everyone at once.


Give us a context menu just like the one in the individual AI settings menu that automatically switches it on and off for the whole party. Put it in the AI toggle with a right click just like the other one is on the individual AI menu.


Seriously, having to do it for each individual character every time I want to use Per Rest abilities is getting old fast. I like that I can set them individually, but there should be a quick way to do it for everyone too.

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