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Please contact me through steam if you need help with commands or bugs in PoE

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I've done some pretty extensive research on the game and am currently soulless, as this guy named Thaos in PoE has taken my soul away from me until such a time as... well... Idk yet. hahaha. (thats a joke, not a spoiler, as I do not know if this happens in-game or not.) Bad joke, sorry.


HOWEVER, with all of the playing and console sommands i've been doing and learning, I know how to do some REALLY nifty stuff... Really.... I'm for cereal here guys... If you happen to need a hand figuring anything out (especially regarding console commands and any "bugs" you may be experiencing), please FEEL FREE to reach out to me. Not here though, please, I'll never see it. Add me and message me on Steam. Nickkonyn44. Alright!! GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN GAMING EVERYONE! =D


Even if you happened to have (as I originally did) "made a mistake" regarding everyone's pain in the butt amaze-balls weapon called "The Grey Sleeper" and you can't re-load (as I wasn't able to), but you'd like to solve this issue.... I can help. LMK.


Nickkonyn44 @ Steam - add/msg me anytime.


(Mods, this is my first post, obviously, so if I posted this in the wrong section, please move it to where it should be. Hope I didn't break any rules here! Thanks a bunch! Your hard work & dedication is appreciated!)

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