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Ring of Protection silently nerfed in 1.03 or 1.04

Khalid the bear


So in my original game (release to 1.03) i have found 2wersions of the Ring of the protection with the same name (not counting Minor ring of protection)

common version Ring of Protection:

Of Fortitude: +10 Fortitude

Of Reflex: +10 Reflex

Of Will: +10 Will


and stronger version of RIng of Protection (one bought in copperlane, others found)

Of Fortitude: +10 Fortitude

Of Reflex: +10 Reflex

Of Will: +10 Will

Toughness 2: +4 Fortitude

Reflex bonus 2: +4 Reflex

Of Resolve: +2 Resolve
(tougness and reflex bonus were supressed by the ring itself)

in my second playtrough (1.03-1.04) i have found  only common version

now the change isnt retroactive (in my old save the stronger version is working as before)

i doubt its a random loot table since one of the stronger rings was bought


PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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3 answers to this question

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First version just had this:


Toughness 2: +4 Fortitude

Reflex bonus 2: +4 Reflex

Of Resolve: +2 Resolve


First patch had the hybrid stats. Second patched fixed it to be in alignment with the Minor version

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strange thing the change isnt retroactive
and it wansnt in patch notes

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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