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About a year ago I had an idea to combine elements of Sudoku with 3d Tic-Tac-Toe. I soon realized I was too stupid to make it work so I just forgot about it. But maybe someone here could help.


Here’s how it works:

First of all, this is supposed to be a 2d representation of the layers of a cube.




The game starts with a few neutral characters in the cube; these can be used by both players.



The players then begin taking turns; this is where the Sudoku aspect comes into play, only one of each character in any direction is allowed; the players have to figure out which character belongs in which tile, if you place the wrong character in a tile you lose.


The players have their own distinct color and symbol




Get 4 out of 5 in a row in any of the cardinal directions to win.



Unfortunately you cannot go across the cube diagonally; at least not with a 53 cube, it probably is possible with a bigger cube, but that may make the game too complex to play.


So what do you think: salvageable or just a stupid idea to begin with.

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