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Longevity, healing/fatigue/resting mechanics

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How have you felt about these in the old IE games, DnD and other turn based CRPGs in general? What are you hoping to see in Project Eternity?



Personally, I often found it made encounter difficult a little too random, whether or not you're rested can really change a fight from impossible to incredibly easy. However, a big part of that was spells/day and how much weaker you were in a magic-reliant group if your higher level spells were used up. Pacing the game right could also make it work.


Another issue was that time passing had no real effect on anything, you could rest for a week to heal up a party for a small price at a tavern or whatever, without any consequence to quests that you might expect would be more urgent.


Then there were of course attacks on you during sleep. I always felt like these should've been reducable through some forms of precautions and/or character skills. Usually though, I'd have a bunch of buffs up before resting just in case, and in areas where attacks during rest were frequent I'd actually rest more often just to make sure I didn't go too long and be too weak to safely handle an attack when trying to rest.


I'm hoping there's pretty good longevity in PE especially at mid-high levels, casters having more longevity in particular. I'd like resting success to be more an issue of planning than luck as well, and for some options for your character/party builds(spells/skills/feats or whatever) that can be managed to reduce chance of any issues during rest as you see fit. Perhaps having some characters that require less frequent rest would allow keeping someone on watch at night. Maybe not using a fire could reduce chance of being noticed by some enemies. Etc.

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Not to be a jerk, but there have already been lots of threads like this one.


Just, you know, FYI.

Way to be a jer... oh, sorry. 8)


(I jest).


These are valid concerns, Odd Hermit. And there are a few other threads regarding this, as of recent times, if you'd like to do a search on "resting" (that should work). I think the most recent one is This One, if you didn't know about it and would like to read it.

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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