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About the magic system

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So far, as I understand it, it seems that the source of magic will be mana, coming from the soul. It's also been said that spells will be divided into daily's or limited use spells, and unlimited use spells. Other than that though, I haven't heard anything else.


Does anyone know any more information?


And what would people want to see with a magic system? Story and gameplay wise.


I loved the stuff from the infinity and neverwinter games and with D&D spells in general where wizard battles felt like wizard battles, with a multitude of specialist spells designed to strip away defensive spells, different avenues of attack from summoning beasts to area of effect spells to spells that targeted with poisons and disease or fire and ice or spells specifically designed to protect or cure those types of spells, spells that transformed others, transformed yourself. etc.


It really felt like you could study each spells effects, get lost in the mechanics of their interactions, and yet at the same time if you felt bored you could just pick a bunch at random and throw them at the enemy to see what happened, and be confident that something interesting would happen.


One pitfall I am afraid of is that, story wise, Obsidian could make the same mistake that I think was present in the dragon age series, which was to explain everything with demons. Undead? Demons. Werewolves? Demons. Haunted house? Demons. Crazy mage? Demons. Something strange going on? Demons. With PE, I hope they are not going to try to explain everything with souls.


Magic is meant to be mysterious, something tinkered with and experimented with, but not fully understood. I think that the source of magic, magical beings and the stories that arise from them should be just as diverse and subtle.

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