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Leaving Goto's Yacht Problem

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So I just shut down the power supply to Goto's Yacht and I when to leave. I got on board the Ebon hawk and it showed the cutscene of the ebon hawk leaving the ship as it gets destroyed. After that it loads the ebon hawk, i spawned next to G0-T0 and Kriea. I went to leave the ebon hawk but noticed that all of my party members were not on the ebon hawk, when i went to leave the ebon hawk i could not. i thought maybe i had not docked anywhere so i went to the navcomputer, but i could not use it. i have been walking around the ebon hawk for about half an hour. I assume the trigger to take me back to Nar Shadda has failed, is there any way to fix this? Oh and I loaded the game back to just before i shut down the power and went back to the ebon hawk again, the same thing happened. Any ideas?

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