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kotor 2 instalation help

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ok, uh.. after unstalling and installing multipile times, with no sucess, (still missing the dll or whatever file, and cant find a working link) im now officaly screwed. im trying to install kotor 2 for the 5th time on a computor with vista. it has installed perfectly befor, but once i insert disk one, the auto play comes up and i hit "install or run program"......then nothing.. my computor makes afew humming noises, then stops. i tryed going to the start menue and clicking on kotor 2 to manualy install, but still nothing. one thought that has occored to me is that i still have it installed on another computor(wich isent working either) should i uninstall that one? or is there a limit to the number of times i can install it? please help. (also, when i turn the sound off on my other instalation, it runs slow. and i dont mean occasional lag slow, i mean like 2 very skippy frames per second slow(no joke) this also happened on another computor i installed it on, could this be an effecr of installin git too much?) ANY help would be much aperciated..

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ok, uh.. after unstalling and installing multipile times, with no sucess, (still missing the dll or whatever file, and cant find a working link) im now officaly screwed. im trying to install kotor 2 for the 5th time on a computor with vista. it has installed perfectly befor, but once i insert disk one, the auto play comes up and i hit "install or run program"......then nothing.. my computor makes afew humming noises, then stops. i tryed going to the start menue and clicking on kotor 2 to manualy install, but still nothing. one thought that has occored to me is that i still have it installed on another computor(wich isent working either) should i uninstall that one? or is there a limit to the number of times i can install it? please help. (also, when i turn the sound off on my other instalation, it runs slow. and i dont mean occasional lag slow, i mean like 2 very skippy frames per second slow(no joke) this also happened on another computor i installed it on, could this be an effecr of installin git too much?) ANY help would be much aperciated..


scrach that, i just turned off the auto run and used the games manual instalation program

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