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Has anyone seen the "Freedon Nadd's Blaster", listed at GameBanshee, in play? That thing looks freaking powerful lol. Any experiences or opinions regarding this blaster that anyone would like to share? Is it really just a random loot item?


The other endgame blaster I want to ask about is the Dashade Sonic Disruptor, also listed at GameBanshee, which has constitution damage. This looks like it has a lot of potential to just blast enemies to dust; would I be correct in assuming that, like in D&D, dropping CON down to 0 results in instant death? Any opinions?


Of course I am well aware of the other heavy guns, like the Mandalorian Disintegrator, the Micro-Pulse Blaster, and the Aratech Ionmaster, but my primary curiosity during this post regards these two specific guns.


And yes, I am starting a Jedi Gunslinger build, named "Stranger's Wrath" for giggles (guesses why get kudos lol, and the obvious isn't the only reason), starting as a Sentinel for the immunity to fear etc (what kind of old west gunslinger ever freaks out?) and planning on wielding single pistols only for roleplay, saved feats (save 3 from the dual wielding mastery feats), and dueling bonuses (strike bonus for Master Sniper Shot especially), and aiming for a Mandalorian Disintegrator.


For the bonus question, does the WM/Marauder grant access to weapon specialization if you didn't already have it?

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