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Major graphics issue

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I have a major graphics problem when attempting to play KOTOR II. Almost all the display is replaced with giant blinking spikes of solid colour. On launching the menu looks fine, it's the characters which do not show up. There's just smoke and no characters in the 6 boxes for character choice (occasionally some severed heads) and there are spiky polygons blinking in and out of existence. If I go ahead and start, the menus work fine again, but the environment is nothing but massive stretched polygons. It gets worse the longer I leave it.


I have a Radeon X1550 and driver version 9.3 (the latest to support my card). My computer is good enough this game easily, I used to be able to play it before I changed my graphics card. No graphics settings or resolution seem to change what happens. I have a feeling it's simply the card, but I'm not sure what to do about it. Anyone know of anything I could try? Any version of driver to roll back to? Thanks in advance,

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I'm having the exact same issue. Tried reinstalling and everything but all I get is a black screen with some smoke effects and no characters on the screen. It was working perfectly just a few months ago so I don't see why its having these problems now.

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