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Game-stopper bug: Talia dies and I'm stuck on Onderon

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Hi everyone!


I hope someone can help me get out of this quagmire so I don't have to stop playing this awesome game right before the end >:/


Software: Kotor2 for PC, latest patches, TSL Restored Content Mod patched to 1.4d, High Level Force Powers mod. I'm pretty sure the mods aren't involved, though, since I googled and found one other guy who had my same bug without the mods - sadly, he didn't get an answer I could use.


Problem: I'm playing Dark Side and I'm finishing up the second round on Onderon. I steamroll the army with Kreia and HK-47 in tow, unlock both security terminals, finish off the beast and the last troops in the royal hall.


Then Master Kavar joins the fray. Kreia and HK-47 disappear and I duel with him alone - I believe this is normal. After I finish him, however, my companions don't reappear, and the party selection screen is disabled. Then, when I step up to the Vaklu vs. Talia duel, the scene plays out just like normal, but after Vaklu thanks me, instead of teleporting me to Dxun or playing the "Kreia saves Tobin" cutscene (yes, I read a few spoilers to tackle this bug), I just get back control and am stuck alone in Onderon - Vaklu won't talk to me any more, and walking all the way back to the Basilisk doesn't do anything.


What I have tried:

- Killing the troops and then Kavar more slowly so I don't haste over some triggers; no change

- Reloading from earlier saves, all the way to the Sky Ramp (ie before loading area 506OND); same result

- After killing Kavar, warping to Nar Shaddaa, adding back Kreia and HK-47 (the team that went to Dxun remained unavailable, though), then warping back and walking up to the royal duel; same result. If I talk to Kreia, interestingly, she gives me a dialogue about the need to go to Dantooine now that I have found all the Jedi Masters.

- Warping back to Dxun myself; I find the place as I left it and can't rendezvous with the Dxun Tomb team.

- Warping back to the Ebon Hawk and going to Dantooine; I find like I left it after the mercenary vs. settlers battle


Maybe I somehow screwed up some global variable? But if so, which one? I also suspect that the bug can lie somewhere in the script for the area, but I can't figure out how. I downloaded Kotor Tool and DeNCS, but most frustratingly the former can't see nwnnsscomp.exe even though it's in its own folder, and the latter simply says "Failure" when asked to open the file a_end_game.ncs which I suspect to be the culprit.


If you don't have any better idea about my problem, could you please upload somewhere a decompiled (.nss) copy of your a_end_game.ncs from 506OND?



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