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In game sound

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So basically i got the game working on vista. All i did was the update (1.0b) and just downloaded a new Mss32.dll file. The only thing is, is that the sound in the game doesnt work. So i installed the game on both my laptop and my desktop computer. Did both of the same things and they both work. But they both have the same problem of the sound not working in game.


Just wondering if anyone here has a solution to this problem. If i didnt give enough information just ask and ill try and provide more.


Ninja edit: btw i forgot to mention that when i talk to ppl in the game, it doesnt show them talking. The screen kinda goes to the person for half a second then back to my character so i have to read the text at the top of the screen to see wat they said. Not to mention that the text isnt always there so im kinda confused on wat to do cuzz i dont get all the information haha




Edited by Kaniva
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  • 3 weeks later...
So no one has any idea on how to fix this?


try this download of the mss32.dll:




along with:

these media patches (for Nvidia GPUs, don't know if they help with ATI)



I did both of those and everything worked really smoothly on my PC (Vista 64 SP1)

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