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ideas for kotor 3

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No one here mentions Kreia, i mean if the main character in kotor 2 managed to survive a planet blast, surviving a little fall should be difficult for someone like her, how about the main character goes to find Revan, as Kreia suggested, and she follows it and also cann add a few bonus stages playing her. when it comes to levels, maybe the main character will die and the one who continues is atton or the handmaiden or Mira, or any other of the character's students. that way they can start from level 1 and keep it logical. also in such a journey as few requested the script can involve much new knowledge about the force,from the very beggining to deep dark secrets as the character may have no idea what the force is.

so in the buttom line i say- get Kreia back and Sion too, let them follow the main character in hes journey to find Revan, as he progress, learn as well as we do, and unlock secrets that remain hidden in kotor 2 (like were the hell did revan go?, why T3 removed the history of the memory of the ebon hawk, whats up with the future of onderon, etc'...).

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Hello, and welcome to the forums. :)


I love Kreia - I think she's by far the best and most interesting character in the KotOR series. Please discuss your ideas in the stickied thread here. We try to keep all discussion together, so I'm going to close this thread.

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