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Game doesn't start with audio ON

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I need help:

In a first time KOTOR II worked very well: not a bug or anything else.

But recently it stopped to start and i didn't know how to make it work: i didn't understand the causes at all...

It has been a quick thing: the day before it worked and the day after it didn't...


In one of my attempts i tryed to run it without audio (I clicked the option in the config) and it worked like before,

but obviously it was silent!


I cannot play a game without sound... so please if you have a solution or the same problem tell me!

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Wow thats weird do you have it for a CP?


Yes, it's for a PC.

It can't be a hardware problem because I have changed nothing in the PC.


When I run KOTOR the autorun opens and I find the normal options: Play, configure...

If I press play with audio deactivated the game runs normally, but if I have audio on

it charges normally but it doesn't open the game, and I can't even re-open the autorun but the game

appears in the processes in task manager (second part of task manager from th left) and to re-open it

i have to terminate it with task manager...


I really don't know what to do...

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