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Dantooine black screen

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Sorry if this has already been posted, but I just recently bought SW KOTOR II for my PC. I am playing it on my laptop which just barely squeeks by the minimum for the game. I have had no trouble running this game (or SW KOTOR I) as far as slow down goes. However, I am trying to visit Dantooine and it just freezes up now. Strangely enough the first time I went there it worked fine (only visted for a moment). When I got back on the Ebon Hawk it hiccuped and now it won't let me load that level at ALL. I would greatly appreciate any ideas help or a point in the right direction. This is my final planet and I would hate to have to start over again after 30+ hours. HELP!!!

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Well I finally caught someone with my avatar... But make sure you have all of the new updates, this is a must. What kind of operating system do you have??? XP/Vista?


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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Well I finally caught someone with my avatar... But make sure you have all of the new updates, this is a must. What kind of operating system do you have??? XP/Vista?


I am running 1.73mhz and 1 gig of ram on a Gateway Notebook XP operating system. Last night I beat the game as a lightsider in about 33 hours. Although it still has its hiccups the game did load Dantooine (the first planet I finished), and the subsuquent trips to meet the Jedi masters. Strangely I still cant get it to load on my other game. I figured I need to download a patch of some sort (don't have internet at my house yet). Thanks for the help.

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