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I'm here to tell you about an IRC network that I recently created called RevNet. It is extremely young, as such we do not have many users but in time hopefully it will become more active and grow.


The IRC network, as well as being the home to Star Wars Revolution (if you're curious about Revolution, ask on IRC :)), is a place for all Star Wars fans to get together, talk and have fun. We have services which allow you to create and manage your own channels, send memos, register your nicknames and more!


The server to connect to is irc.starwarsrevolution.net (port 6667).


The network itself, currently only consists of one server (I know...) but we plan to add another server in the near future and more will come in time. The current server is in the US, if anyone's curious. It's ok though, our current server can support a few thousand clients and by the time we grow that big, we'll have more.


At this moment in time, SSL and IPv6 are not supported but that'll be fixed soon enough.


I look forward to seeing you on RevNet, spread the word.

Edited by Xavura
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