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"Electronic Arts held their annual Analysts Day for financial advisors (you can check out the web based audio replays of the event and check out PDFs of the presentations at EA's investors web site) and during their presentation EA execs revealed in one chart on their main PDF file that their newly acquired developer BioWare will be making a new game in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic franchise. This new game will apparently not be an MMO title but rather something similar to the first two games in the RPG series (the first developed by BioWare, the second by Obsidian Entertainment). BioWare will also work on future games in the Mass Effect series along with their own new Dragon Age game and their currently unknown MMO title."


I posted this in kotor 3 topic but since i dont go there i bet alot of others dont either so i posted this info in both places. It deserves the fullest viewing anyhow since WE ARE GETTING KOTOR 3 :)


Hope its developed well, i mean its bioware this time not obsidion so we know it will be polished well and fully developed as they never make half finished games. :) (no dig at obsision but they dont have the resources of bioware thats all i meant)

Edited by Skeeter
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