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Hangs when I enter the Ebon Hawk at Goto's yacht

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Just finished everything on Goto's Yacht and then I enter the Ebon Hawk and after the cutscene only blank screen appears with the CPU being at 100% load and nothing happening for more than 5min. After I just press CTRL-ALT-DEL and terminate KOTOR in order to get back into Win.


I tried setting the lowest resolution, and turning off AF and AA, did a viruscan sweep, killed all the unnecessary services running in the background but still no go.


I am using an AMD SEMPRON 3000+, ATI RADEON 9700 64MB with latest drivers supplied by this notebook's maker.


ps. The game worked flawlesly until this bug, even Dantoine worked great at 1024x768 with AA and AF on.


I hope we can fix this ASAP, I really wanna replay the game.

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