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So this whole thing with influence is cool and all, but how do you know how much you have with each character? Is there a way to see how much influence you got with each person in your party? If you could help me figure this out that would be great.

"For my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is"

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It would be quite a bit to look at. Probably won't go into specifics, but influence guide is here. Its a long list matching alignment and/or influence with sentences. Generally, each time influence gained/lost is around 8 points, but sometimes amount can vary, may be slightly less or more. Can't elaborate any further.

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Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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Unless there is a mod/program that can monitor or track such a record. Have not been using mods, anyhow.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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3 fairly common ways, 1 a mod, another a sort of mod, and the last just what everyone else probabally uses to the best of their ability.


1) There is a mod where the Remote tells you the infulence you have with the characters.


2) The KSE (KotOR Savegame Editor) Tells you when you look under you NPC party options.


3) Their allignment, if you have high infulence with them and your DS they will have a close similarity between your allignment and theirs.

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3 fairly common ways, 1 a mod, another a sort of mod, and the last just what everyone else probabally uses to the best of their ability.


1) There is a mod where the Remote tells you the infulence you have with the characters.


2) The KSE (KotOR Savegame Editor) Tells you when you look under you NPC party options.


3) Their allignment, if you have high infulence with them and your DS they will have a close similarity between your allignment and theirs.


Now with the mod thing, is that something you would only be able to do with the PC version?

"For my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is"

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Lol, Hax-Box. Yeah I got the mod thing from pcgamemods.com but thats been down for ages, so when the ignorant people who run the site finally get it through their ferrocrete skulls and realise that many people are pissed off, they might end up getting it to work again.

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