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Freedon Nadd Tomg Glitch

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I have KOTOR2 for PC...I've prgressed through the game until I came to freedon Nad's tomb....I reah the chamber where you see the 4 Dark Jedi Masters (possibly more) performing the "ritual"...When the head one says "break the ritual now!), you see a Dark Jedi Master Die during the scene...Now my problem is that he isn't dying... he just stands there



...When you try to make contact with him, he doesnt have a red dialog box thing(like a combative enemy would), he has a normal one..when u click him he doesnt do anything...The mandalorian that usually shows up after u defeat the masters isnt there ethier, and when I try to leave it says I can't leave the battle...




My ownly possible solution that i've been thinking about is emptying my override folder into another one for the time being, run the game with a clean override and mybe it will let me go on to the Onderon Battle part, then i would simply put al them ods back into my folder....


would that work??

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I just did a search in this forum for "Freedon Nadd"...I came across a thread called Bug (Showstopper): Cant Finish Freedon Nadd Tomb



In this thread, Entity_210 had the same issue I had....He later stated that he had found a solution to his problem....Since I am in no way a computer wiz, I can not tell you how he actually fixed the problem step by step.....(im sorry I dont have the link to this thread, if u type in freedon nadd under a search his thread will be the last one)


Moving on, he created some kind of download to assist other people with this same problem, which simply had the sirections of puting the downloaded thing in my overide folder.


...Now when I downloaded this it downloaded it onto my computer as a WinRar Zipped folder (I have the program installed onto my computer)....


...Now im pretty sure you have to extract these, so whgen i attempted to, it wouldn't do it, stating that there isnt any info to extract.


Now perhaps there is some kind of easy solution u geek gods know of that can allow me to get it into adifferent format then Winrar, or perhaps Entity's download somehow became corrupted.....


..Now if that is the case....Can somebody read through what he potede he did to fix the problem and show me how to do it....



Anybody that can find a answer will recieve a cookie


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