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game ending glitch (nar shaddaa spoil dark side)

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Ok I'm playing on Xbox (sith lord) and in nar shaddaa I get to the point where I've used the wookie to let the jedi into take out the doublecrossing exchange boss, I'm in the arena with him and Goto shows up, kills him and then electricutes me. The wookie gets jumped by the jedi and then keria, and then keria talks to the wookie. At this point the game decides my entire party is dead and brings up such screen, so if I hit any a x b or start it boots me out of the game, yet the game continues on and keria and the wookie have a conversation about getting to Goto on the backside of the planet, up to where I have a conversation choice to make, and I can't continue b/c any button boots me out of the game to reload. I tried loading previous saves, changing what I did and said to the guy, doing other things and saving again, and letting the box sit and recoup for a while, everytime, same result, whole party supposedly dead yet the game keeps going. Please help, I really don't wanna get myself back to this point again from the start.

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