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sorry but i'm french and my english is bad


my bug occurs just after visquis was killed, goto electrified my player.


after i ve a movie with mira and a jedi


after i ve a movie beetween kreia and a wookie


i saw my character becoming atton ( 1 sec)


i ve a loading; after atton is speaking with mira (i dont know what happend for mira and jedi before) i can't speak with mira we speak about a code and a droid and after black screen (i think i need control droid)


i see somedody has the same problem but i don't seen or don't understand soluce.



pc version of kotor 2

(i ve the driver 76.89 nvidia geforce 5700 le, i ve try without sound, without movie but always the problem stay???? help




i ve a legal version of kotor 2 he is updated 1.0b internationnal and i'm very desapointed, i neede ur help pliz.


I have the pretty much the same problem. After Kreia talks to the Wookie, my screen switches to my character and locks-up. Turned down the video specs - no help. Turned off sound - no help. I've tried just about everything, but it doesn't help!


Eagerly awaiting THE NEXT PATCH for this piece of crap game!

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